Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween 2020

No,  I did not dress up in some costume like I normally like to do for this holiday.  Neither did my son,  for that matter. 

However,  my girlfriend dressed up for work in a new witch's outfit,  and she looked really good! So,  I  took some pictures of her. 

Then,  she put her blue wig and witch hat on me and took a picture.  So here are the pictures of what passes for our Halloween costumes for 2020:


  1. Basia looks good in her costume. As for you, I'd say that blue wig is a good look for you, but the hat, not so much. It's not a look you can really pull off, maybe.

    1. Yes, she does look good as a Halloween witch. As for me, the blue wig may be a decent look. Admittedly, seeing the picture, the witch's hat looks a tad small for my big head.
