Saturday, November 21, 2020

Loser Trump Keeps Up Tiresome Pretense of Resisting Election Results, Although Fine Print Reveals Yet Another Trump Scam

By now, is it really even surprising?              

I mean, his supporters clearly will continue to support him without wavering, regardless of all of the tremendous evidence that this man is no miracle worker. That he is, in fact, a bold faced liar and a fraud, a con artist, a charlatan. Nothing could be clearer by this point, although admitting this fact is likely too painful for supporters to admit, that they will go to the ends of the Earth, including now supporting an attack on what remains of our American democracy, in order to enjoy the conceit, the privilege, of not admitting that they may have been wrong about their man.              

Trump lost the 2020 election. True, he lost the popular vote in 2016, and by 2.7 million. Only he really contests that. Yet, because of the backwards and antiquated Elector College system, he officially won. Nobody contested the official outcome that he “won” an election that he actually lost the popular vote for by well over two and a half million votes.              

But this time, it bears repeating: Trump lost the 2020 election, and it is beyond reasonable dispute. As he did in 2016, Trump lost the popular election. This time, he lost it by around six million votes, at least count. And this time, he also lost the key battleground states that came through for him in 2016, and effectively won him the White House. He lost Michigan. And Wisconsin. And Pennsylvania. And Arizona. And Nevada. And finally, just two days ago, it became official: he lost Georgia, too.              

Of course, if you listen to the Trump team, they are contesting the election, and claiming confidence that he has a path to victory.              

Let us be very clear: Trump has no path to victory in the 2020 election, regardless of what he or his campaign team claims, or regardless of what supporters (like the one I wrote about earlier this week) believe. Trump will not turn this election around, because the election is over. There are no more votes to be cast, no more chances at winning. Trump lost, and despite his best efforts to overturn this election, it is over. Biden has won the 2020 election, convincingly.              

Rudy Giuliani held yet another disastrous press conference. I say another one, because at this point, we have to specify which one we are referring to, as there have been several now. There was that weird one in Philadelphia, at the Four Seasons Landscaping (as opposed to the hotel)m where he sounded almost like a crazy minister at some point, raising his arms and looking skyward, and then cried, "All the media!" repeatedly in a sarcastic manner, after being told that all the media had confirmed that Trump had lost this election. His objection was that it was not officially up to the media to confirm election results. Of course, he had no problem with Trump himself declaring victory on election night, based on media projections at the time. Nor did he have a problem with the media projecting Trump to be the winner in 2016 on election night, even though, again, they are not the ones who make it official. He really only objects to it when they reveal that his candidate is the one who lost.

But this one was even weirder. In court, where he is under oath, Giuliani has backed away from outright claiming massive voter fraud, because he could get in legal trouble by so doing. But publicly, this is what he is alleging. What made this one memorable, though, was that he at one point had black hair dye running down both sides of his face. 

What a joke this administration is.

This is all a deliberate attempt by the Trump team to discredit the results of a legitimate election and sow yet more doubt on the democratic process. Trump and his cronies are vengeful, spiteful, and that is how they do things. They want revenge, particularly Trump, because he is a petty, overgrown child with a false sense of entitlement, and his feelings are hurt. It is not surprising, but it is disappointing. 

Never mind the whole "Fuck Your Feelings" campaign slogan for the Trump campaign now. Because now, it is Trump and his supporters who have their feelings hurt. 

Honestly, though, who cares? They lost the vast majority of the American people rejected another four years of their nonsense, and that is all there is to it. What they are doing is very undemocratic, and Joe Biden rightly suggested that it will greatly contribute to his legacy being that he ranked among the worst, most antidemocratic presidencies in American history. Frankly, it feels like it cements his status as the worst president in American history, period. 

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