Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Presidential Race Apparently Swings in Biden's Favor

 Yes, I may have been wrong.

Having worked my usual overnight shift, I felt like hell as the election results early on seemed to indicate a Trump victory. It did not help that he declared a victory early on, before all of the results had been counted. Frankly, we should impose very harsh penalties on a major party candidate who does that before either all of the votes have been counted, or before a concession by the losing candidate.

Indeed, as counting continues, the vote has swung in Biden's favor in two states in particular: Wisconsin and Michigan. He currently holds a narrow lead in both of those states. If those results hold - and let us hope that they do - then Biden will have emerged victorious in this presidential race, and the nightmare of these Trump years will indeed be relegated to history.

So yes, I may have been wrong. And I will admit to not being able to remember the last time I was this happy to be wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Let this be a lesson to you. There's no point in espousing gloom-and-doom, alarmist hype. You've got to stay upbeat like your brother. *Rimshot*
