Monday, November 23, 2020

RIP Daniel Cordier, One of Last Surviving French Resistance Heroes

Daniel Cordier was an unlikely hero for France. After all, before the French capitulation and subsequent German occupation, he was an admitted anti-Semite.

But Cordier grew out of this prejudice in time. And when France capitulated, and Cordier heard Petain giving a speech, he went up to his bedroom and bawled.

It did not stop there, however. Had it ended there, nobody would remember Cordier today. But Bordier decided that Petain did not speak for France, and he decided to do something. He joined the French Resistance, resisting the Germans.

He was one of the last surviving members of the Resistance before he passed away this weekend.

Today, I honor him for what he did, which helped to make him a model for France. 

Daniel Cordier, avant-dernier Compagnon de la Libération et ancien secrétaire de Jean Moulin, est mort à l'âge de 100 ans Radio France Publié le 20/11/2020 17:13 Mis à jour le 20/11/2020  Daniel Cordier, qui deviendra un marchand d'art réputé, avait rallié la France Libre en juin 1940 et avait été embauché en 1942 comme secrétaire par Jean Moulin à Lyon.

Daniel Cordier, one of last heroes of French resistance, dies aged 100 by Kim Willsher in Paris, Fri 20 Nov 2020.  As secretary to the great resistance leader, Jean Moulin, he helped organise fight against Nazi occupation

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