Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sadie and the Christmas Tree


One of the traditions that we like to do is to set up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. My girlfriend and I still both love Christmas, and we both love to see a lit up tree to cheer things up during the extended darkness this time of the year.

However, anyone with cats knows that Christmas trees are often viewed as welcome, indoor playgrounds for felines. They love to climb up the tree, and then love to hit the ornaments, often to the point of knocking them down on the ground. Obviously, it is not a good idea to put up delicate or prized ornaments when you have cats, especially young ones. 

This year, we have a young kitten, who is still less than three months old. She absolutely adores our Christmas tree, and decided to help us decorate. Yes, Sadie has been extremely helpful in this regard, knocking down the ornaments that she feels were misplaced, and regularly climbing the Christmas tree in order to get a better appreciation of the lights and ornaments and such.

Here are some recent pictures of Sadie, and a couple of the Christmas tree.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable as ever, and from the looks of it her two big sisters have come to accept her. On the other hand, I couldn't spot her in that last picture of the tree. Is she remarkably well hidden, or does that picture simply not reflect the overall theme of this particular blog entry?
