Wednesday, November 4, 2020

One Silver Lining on 2020 Election: New Jersey Legalizes Recreational Marijuana

Here was one item in the news in my home state of New Jersey from yesterday's election that made me actually quite happy. New Jersey brought the question of marijuana legalization to the voters. By a margin of nearly two to one, voters overwhelmingly opted to make recreation marijuana legal.

Frankly, it's about damn time! A natural plant should never have been declared illegal in the first place. And even though I cannot always say this about the Garden State (which finally lived up to it's name in this election), I can say this now: this makes me very, very proud of New Jersey!

No, I am not even a pothead. In fact, I only tried it twice before, and it had almost no real effect on me either time. But in principle, it should be legalized, because it is no worse than either alcohol or tobacco. Also, it would be better for the environment, I think, as a substitute for paper, since it grows four times faster than trees, and thus, hopefully, could lead to less clearing of forests for that reason. After all, there are even drafts of the United States Constitution which were written on paper made of marijuana. 

So, I just wanted to express some real contentment on my end for results from my home state in this election. 

It’s high time! New Jersey votes ‘yes’ on legalizing recreational marijuana By Lia Eustachewich and Natalie O'Neill, November 3, 2020:

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