Saturday, October 5, 2024

Today is World Teachers' Day

Yes, today is World Teachers' Day.

This is an international day, and apparently always takes place on the 5th of October. it is meant to recognize the contributions that teachers have provided.

We probably almost all have some teachers whom we liked better than others. Perhaps they taught in a different way, a way that helped you connect with the material. Or perhaps they showed more faith in you than other teachers or other adults did. Or perhaps they got you to think a different way, or to take a more active stance with something.

Without going into detail, I was blessed to have had a few teachers like that who inspired me to perform and perhaps even be better. That is true of both my high school and college years, for which I feel extremely blessed.

In any case, it felt like something worth mentioning here. If you have teachers, or at least one teacher, who stood apart like that in your own experience, perhaps take a moment on this day to take gratitude of their role in your life.

October 5th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:
On this day in 610, Heraclius' fleet captured Constantinople. In 869 on this day, the Fourth Council of Constantinople (8th ecumenical council) opened. King Alfonso VII of Leon recognised Portugal as a kingdom on this day in 1143. In 1349 on this day, Parisian theologist Jean de Fayt warned against the Flagellants at Avignon. On this day in 1430, Duke Philip the Good of Burgondy visited Brussels. Jews were expelled from Lower Bavaria by order of Ludwig IX on this day in 1450. On this day in 1465, French King Louis XI signed peace with Charles the Stout. Eedgenootschap signed anti-French Saint League on this day in 1511. Pope Julius II/Germany/Ferdinand of Aragon/Venice/Swiss on this day in 1511. This day in 1550 marked the foundation of the city of Concepción, in Chile. On this day in 1568, the Conference of York began, with the trial against Mary Stuart. William of Oranges army occupied Brabant on this day in 1568. In 1572 on this day, the Spanish army under Alva's son Don Frederik plunders Mechelen. On this day in 1582, the Gregorian calendar was introduced in Italy, as well as other Catholic countries. Henry Casimir I was appointed viceroy of Groningen on this day in 1632. On this day in 1665, the University of Kiel was founded. In 1693 on this day, there was a Haarlem people's revolution due to food shortages. Carlo Goldoni's "Il teatro comica," premiered in Venice on this day in 1750. In 1762 on this day, the opera "Orfeo Ed Euridice" was produced in Vienna.

1789 - French Revolution: Women of Paris march to Versailles in the March on Versailles to confront Louis XVI about his refusal to promulgate the decrees on the abolition of feudalism, demand bread, and have the King and his court moved to Paris.
1793 - French Revolution: Christianity is disestablished in France.
1796 - Spain declares war on England
1813 - Battle of Thames in Canada; Americans defeat British
1823 - Weber visits Beethoven
1830 - King Willem I mobilizes Dutch army
1833 - Charles Darwin moves with Parana to Santa Fe Bajada Argentina
1857 - The City of Anaheim was founded.
1862 - Battle of Big Hatchie River, MS
1862 - Federal fleet occupies Galveston, Texas
1863 - Confederate sub David damages Union ship Ironsides
1864 - Battle of Allatoona, 1/3 of Union troops die repulsing South
1864 - Most of Calcutta destroyed by cyclone (approx 60,000 die)
1867 - Last day of Julian calendar in Alaska
1869 - A strong hurricane devastates the Bay of Fundy region of Maritime Canada. The storm had been predicted over a year before by a British naval officer.
Naturalist Charles DarwinNaturalist Charles Darwin 1875 - Palace Hotel on Market Street, SF opens
1877 - Chief Joseph surrenders, ending Nez Perce War
1892 - Dalton Gang ends in shoot-out in Coffeville, Kansas bank holdup
1895 - The first individual time trial for racing cyclists is held on a 50-mile course north of London.
1896 - William Gillette's "Secret Service," premieres in NYC
1897 - Solomon Andrees baloon/polar expedition reaches White Island
1900 - 6th US Golf Open: Harry Vardon shoots a 313 at Chicago GC Ill
1900 - Harry Vardon wins US Open golf tournament
1903 - Sir Samuel Griffith is appointed the first Chief Justice of Australia and Sir Edmund Barton and Richard O'Connor are appointed as foundation justices.
1905 - Orville/Wilbur Wright's "Flyer III" flight 38.5 km in 38.3"
1906 - Henry Mathewson (NY Giants, Christy's brother) walks 14 men
1907 - Interprovincial Rugby Football Union plays 1st game (Mtl 17 Tor 8)
1907 - Phila A's Rube Vickers no-hits Wash Senators, 4-0 in 5 inning game
1908 - Bulgaria declares independence from Turkey, Ferdinand I becomes Tsar
1908 - White Sox Ed Walsh tops Detroit 6-1 for his 40th victory
1910 - Portugal overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic
1911 - Italian troops occupy Tripoli
1912 - Billy Mallett of Hamilton Tigers kicks 9 singles in a game
1912 - Red Sox defeat A's 3-0 for then AL record 105th win
1912 - Yanks win final game at Hilltop stadium
1914 - World War I first aerial combat resulting in a kill.
1915 - Bulgaria enters World War I as one of the Central Powers.
Dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf HitlerDictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler 1916 - Soldier Adolf Hitler is injured
1919 - Norwegian population agrees to prohibition
1921 - 1st World Series radio broadcast, Yanks beat Giants 3-0
1921 - Present constitution of Liechtenstein comes into effect
1922 - Yanks & Giants play an infamous 3-3 tie World Series game
1923 - Edwin Hubble identifies Cepheid variable star
1924 - 1st Little Orphan Annie-strip appears in NYC Daily News
1925 - WSM-AM in Nashville Tenn begins radio transmissions
1930 - British airship crashes in storm at Beauvais France, 48 die
1931 - 1st nonstop transpacific flight, Japan to Wash (Herndon & Pangborn)
1931 - Paul Green's "House of Connelly," premieres in NYC
1936 - The Jarrow March sets off for London.
1937 - Minister Romme says unemployment is 25% "quarter of Romme"
1941 - Mickey Owens drops a 3rd strike, Tom Hendrick reaches 1st safely - would have been last out, instead Yanks score 4 & win 7-4
1942 - 5,000 Jews of Dubno Russia massacred
Astronomer Edwin HubbleAstronomer Edwin Hubble 1942 - St Louis Cards beat NY Yankees, 4 games to 1, in 39th World Series
1943 - US air raid on Wake
1944 - Harold Arlen/ET Harburgs musical premieres in NYC
1944 - Kerkrade (Neth) liberated
1944 - Suffrage is extended to women in France.
1945 - "Meet the Press" premieres on radio
1945 - Indonesian army forms
1945 - Queen Wilhelmina visits Rotterdam
1945 - Hollywood Black Friday: A six month strike by Hollywood set decorators turns into a bloody riot at the gates of Warner Brothers' studios.
1946 - "Yours Is My Heart" closes at Shubert Theater NYC after 36 perfs
1947 - 1st Presidential address televised from White House- Harry Truman
1947 - Al Gionfriddo makes a great catch off Joe Dimaggio in World Series
1948 - The 1948 Ashgabat earthquake kills 100,000.
1949 - WBNS TV channel 10 in Columbus, OH (CBS) begins broadcasting
1949 - WOR (now WWOR) TV channel 9 in NY-Secaucus, NY (IND) begins
Explorer of the New World Christopher ColumbusExplorer of the New World Christopher Columbus 1950 - "Pardon Our French" opens at Broadway Theater NYC for 100 perfs
1952 - 19th congress of Communist Party meets in Moscow
1952 - 6th NHL All-Star Game: 1st Team ties 2nd Team 1-1 at Detroit
1953 - Earl Warren sworn in as 14th chief justice of US
1953 - 50th World Series sees NY Yankees beat Dodgers, 4 games to 2, as NY Billy Martin's 12 hits set record; Yanks win record 5th consec WS
1953 - The first documented recovery meeting of Narcotics Anonymous is held.
1954 - Hurricane Hazel hits Eastern US
1956 - Yogi Berra becomes 4th Yank to hit a World Series grand slam
1957 - 11th NHL All-Star Game: All-Stars beat Montreal 5-3 at Montreal
1957 - 12th Ryder Cup: Britain-Ireland win, 7½-4½ at Lindrick Golf Club (Rotherham, Yorkshire, England)
1957 - Yugoslav dissident Milovan Djilos sentenced to 7 years
1958 - KRTV TV channel 3 in Great Falls, MT (CBS) begins broadcasting
1958 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1958 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1960 - British Labour party demands unilateral nuclear disarmament
1960 - Eastern AL Electra turbo-prop crashed in Boston Harbor (61 die)
1960 - KEYC TV channel 12 in Mankato, MN (CBS) begins broadcasting
1961 - China & Nepal sign treaty
1962 - Beatles release their 1st record "Love Me Do"
1963 - 17th NHL All-Star Game: All-Stars beat Toronto 3-3 at Toronto
1963 - Hyde St Pier re-opens as State Historical Park
1963 - Little Richard joins Everly Brothers Tour
1964 - KIXE TV channel 9 in Redding, CA (PBS) begins broadcasting
1964 - SF Fire Department Museum is dedicated
1965 - Chuck Linster performs 6,006 consecutive push-ups
1965 - Dick McInnes stays aloft almost 12 hours in a kite
1968 - Battles between Catholic demonstrators & police in Londonderry
1968 - KPLM (now KESQ) TV channel 42 in Palm Springs, CA (ABC) begins
1969 - Carol Mann wins LPGA Mickey Wright Golf Invitational
1969 - Monty Python's Flying Circus begins airing on BBC
1969 - Tom Dempsey of New Orleans Saints kicks 55-yard field goal
1970 - John Creach, joins Jefferson Airplane
1970 - PBS becomes a network
1970 - Quebec separatists kidnap British trade commissioner James Cross
1970 - PBS became a television network.
1972 - Herbert Mullin 1st kills, to prevent earthquakes
1973 - Signature of the European Patent Convention.
1974 - Guildford pub bombing by the IRA leaves 5 dead and 65 injured.
1975 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1976 - Seattle & Toronto picks 30 unprotected players on other AL rosters Ruppert Jones (Seattle) & Bob Bailor (Toronto) are picked 1st
1977 - "Hair" opens at Biltmore Theater NYC for 43 performances
1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer wins Nobel Prize for literature
1978 - Sweden's Fälldin government falls
1978 - Over 30 major nations ratify the Environmental Modification Convention which prohibits environmental modification techniques
1980 - Formal opening of meditation hall of Zenshin Temple in Riverdale Bronx
1980 - Kathy Whitworth/Donna Caponi Young win Portland Ping Team Golf Champ
1980 - Yanks set AL attendance mark at 2,627,417
1981 - Dutch guilder/Deutsche mark revalued up 5.5%
1981 - Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg becomes an honarary American
1982 - 1st NJ Devils game, tie the Pitts Penguins 3-3 at the Meadowlands
1982 - China PR performs nuclear test at Lop Nor PRC
1982 - Hernan Siles Zuazo appointed president of Bolivia
1982 - Unmanned rocket sled reaches 9,851 kph at White Sands, NM
1983 - Lech Walesa wins Nobel Peace Prize
1984 - 13th Space Shuttle Mission (41-G)-Challenger 6-launched
1985 - Grambling's Eddie Robinson wins record 324th football game
1986 - London Sunday Times reports Israel is stocking nuclear arms
1988 - Brazil adopts its Constitution
1988 - Chilean population agrees at referendum against Pinochet regime
1988 - Israel bans Meir Kahane's Kach Party on grounds of racism
1990 - Cincinnati jury acquits art gallery of obsentity (Mappelthorpe photos)
1991 - Military transport plane crashes at Djakarta, 133 dies
1991 - NJ Devils begin their 10th Anniversary with a 7-2 win over the Blues
1991 - USSR reduces nuclear weapons arsenal
1991 - Carlos Huerta's NCAA record streak of successful points after a touchdown ends at 157
1991 - Fresno State ties NCAA record with 49 points in a quarter, as they route New Mexico 94-17
1991 - The first official version of the Linux kernel, version 0.02, is released.
US President George H. W. BushUS President George H. W. Bush 1992 - 1st overturn of a George Bush veto (cable bill)
1992 - NY senator Alphonse D'Mato fillerbusters for 15 hours 20 mins
1992 - US Air goes on strike
1993 - China PR performs nuclear test at Lop Nor PRC
1993 - Last honor guard at Lenin's mausoleum
1993 - Pope John Paul II publishes encyclical Veritatis splendor
1994 - 28th Country Music Association Award
1994 - 52 members of Zonnetempel, murdered
1995 - "Company" opens at Criterion Theater NYC for 68 performances
1996 - Caroline Pierce wins LPGA JAL Big Apple Golf Classic
1996 - Cleve Indians strike out 23 Balt Orioles in 12 inn playoff game
1996 - NY Yankee Bernie Williams switch hits HRs in a post season game
1997 - 35th Tennis Fed Cup: France beats Netherlands in Den Bosch Neth (4-1)
1997 - Annika Sorenstam wins LPGA CoreStates Betsy King Classic
1997 - Davis Love III wins golf's Buick challenge, shooting a 267
264th Pope John Paul II264th Pope John Paul II 1997 - STS 86 (Atlantis 20) lands
1997 - Vantage Senior Golf Championship
1999 - The Ladbroke Grove rail crash in west London kills 31 people.
2000 - Mass demonstrations in Belgrade lead to resignation of Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević. These demonstrations are often called the Bulldozer Revolution.
2001 - Robert Stevens becomes the first victim in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
2001 - Tom Ridge resigns as Governor of Pennsylvania to become President Bush's Homeland Security Advisor.

2012 - Anglo Platinum Limited fires 12,000 striking workers in South Africa

1813 - Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee Indians was killed at the Battle of Thames when American forced defeated the British and the allied Indian warriors.   1877 - Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indians surrendered to the U.S. Army after a 1,000-mile retreat towards the Canadian border.   1919 - Enzo Ferrari debuted in his first race. He later founded the Auto Avio Construzioni Ferrari, an independent manufacturing company.   1921 - The World Series was broadcast on the radio for the first time. The game was between the New York Giants and the New York Yankees.   1930 - Laura Ingalls became the first woman to make a transcontinental airplane flight.   1930 - "The Fighting Priest" began airing on CBS radio.   1931 - Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon landed in Washington after flying non-stop across the Pacific Ocean. The flight originated in Japan and took about 41 hours.   1934 - "Hollywood Hotel" became the first major network radio to originate from Hollywood, CA.   1937 - U.S. President Roosevelt called for a "quarantine" of aggressor nations.   1947 - U.S. President Harry S Truman held the first televised presidential address from the White House. The subject was the current international food crisis.   1952 - "Inner Sanctum" was heard for the last time on ABC radio.   1955 - The play "The Diary of Anne Frank" opened at the Cort Theatre in New York.   1969 - A Cuban defector landed a Soviet-made MiG-17 at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida. The plane entered U.S. air space and landed without being detected.   1969 - "Monty Python's Flying Circus" debuted on BBC television.   1970 - Anwar Sadat took office as President of Egypt replacing Gamal Abdel Nassar. Sadat was assassinated in 1981.   1974 - American David Kunst completed the first journey around the world on foot. It took four years and 21 pairs of shoes. He crossed four continents and walked 14,450 miles.   1985 - An Egyptian policeman went on a shooting rampage at a Sinai beach. Seven Israeli tourists were killed. The policeman died in prison the following January of an apparent suicide.   1986 - "Business World" began airing on ABC-TV.   1986 - Sandinista soldiers captured American Eugene Hasenfus after shooting him down over southern Nicaragua.   1988 - In a debate between candidates for vice president of the U.S., Democratic Lloyd Bentsen told Republican Dan Quayle, "You're no Jack Kennedy."   1989 - The Dalai Lama (Lhama Dhondrub, Tenzin Gyatso) was named the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet. Gyatso was the 15th Dalai Lama.   1990 - The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall opened.   1991 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev announced that his country would cut its nuclear arsenal in response to the arms reduction that was initiated by U.S. President George Bush.   1993 - China set off an underground nuclear explosion.   1995 - A 60-day cease-fire was agreed upon by Bonsian combatants. The civil war had lasted 3 1/2.   1997 - In London, the Express Newspapers printed an article claiming that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were homosexual and that their marriage was a sham to cover the truth. The paper paid damages in a settlement on October 29, 1998.   1998 - The U.S. paid $60 million for Russia's research time on the international space station to keep the cash-strapped Russian space agency afloat.   1999 - Kevin Spacey received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.   1999 - MCI Worldcom Inc. and Sprint Corp. announced plans to merge.   2006 - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. rolled out its $4 generic drug program to the entire state of Florida after a successful test in the Tampa area.

1877 Chief Joseph surrendered to the U.S. Army. 1910 King Manuel II was overnthrown in a revolution and Portugal became a republic. 1921 The World Series was broadcast on the radio for the first time. 1947 In the first televised White House address, President Truman urged Americans to refrain from eating meat on Tuesdays and poultry on Sundays to help starving people in other countries. 1953 Earl Warren was sworn in as the 14th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. 1962 The Beatles released their first hit, "Love Me Do," in Britain. 1990 Cincinnati's Contemporary Arts Center and its director were acquitted of obscenity charges resulting from an exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs. 2001 Barry Bonds broke Mark McGwire's record of 71 home runs in one season when he hit his 71st and 72nd homers.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

A Visit to the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

A picture of me standing at the Cape of Good Hope, in South Africa. This was taken this past Tuesday, although now that I am back in New Jersey, it is hard to believe that this was only three days ago as I write this.

The Cape of Good Hope is another of the frankly can't miss places for any visit in and around Cape Town. 

This is the southwestern most point on the African continent. 

It is also a stunningly beautiful place. 

One of the places which I had really wanted to go to during my visit to South Africa was Cape Agulas, where the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean officially meet. it also happens to be officially the southernmost point on the African continent. Certainly something worth seeing. But visiting that place seemed to be unnecessarily complicated. It is something like a two and a half hour drive from Cape Town, and there were no buses or tours that could take me there. It was too far away, and too little known, to be point of interest on that level, and getting a driver to go me started at thousands of rands (the first driver that the hotel called wanted 6,500 rands (about $350 American), which was simply far too steep. It annoyed me a bit not to be able to make it to that place, since it had been somewhat of a priority prior to the actual trip occuring.

However, I felt a bit better about missing Cape Agulhas after this visit to the Cape of Good Hope, which is the southwesterly most point in Africa. It is also the de facto point where the two oceans meet. Our guide explained this to us, telling us that there were different traits to each ocean, and that this was the place where those two different bodies of water carrying those traits actually met, rather than on Cape Agulhas. Not the least of these differences is the temperature. On the Indian Ocean side of the peninsula, the guide explained, the water temperature is 21° Celsius (69.8 °F) , while the water on the Atlantic side is much colder, at only 11° Celsius (51.8°F). Plus, there are other aspects to this place which really make it the de facto place where the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet, even if it is not precisely "official."

Plus, the tail end of this tour (which I booked through the "hop on, hop off" buses within Cape Town, and was associated with it) featured the penguins at Boulder Beach. 

What a trip! Really beautiful place, and incredible memories.

Below are some pictures which I took (or were taken of me during this visit). 


A wild ostrich on the Cape of Good Hope. There were actually a few of these guys around, but this one in particular was right next to the hiking path which we took. I had just seen some ostriches on the safari, but that was a game preserve, which means that the animals inside are kind of locked in. This one, on the other hand, was apparently free and, indeed, "wild." What a privilege to behold.

Liked the name of this restaurant, which was one which insists that, yes, the Cape of Good Hope is indeed where the two oceans actually meet in real life, even if the official point where they meet is more arbitrary, and a bit less than two hundred kilometers to the east.

This bird flew right next to me and kept me company while I was eating my sandwich (this was only real opportunity to eat lunch during this organized tour to the Cape of Good Hope). I was tempted to give the little guy a piece, as he or she clearly expected. However, they are insistent to make sure that tourists not feed any wildlife, that it is actually doing wildlife a disservice and taking them to a comfort zone that actually weakens their natural survival instincts, which made sense to me. So no, I did not feed the bird.

There were signs (like this one) everywhere around the Cape of Good Hope warning about baboons. Unfortunately, I saw no sign of any of them, much less actually saw one with my own eyes, during our visit to this place. Still a small thrill to think that they are in their natural habitat here.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Earth Now Has Two Moons

Thought that this was interesting, and worth mentioning.

Admittedly, I had not heard about this at all prior to running into this article earlier today.

It should be noted that this second moon is actually an asteroid (asteroid 2024 PT5). However, this should only be temporary, and will not remain as a moon permanently. Also, it is too small to see, so you will not see another moon on the horizon at night, unless you have a good telescope and know what you are doing.

Still, it seemed interesting and worth sharing here.

Take a look:

It's official: Earth now has two moons by Eric Ralls, staff writer, 3 October, 2024:

Earth’s 2nd moon has arrived: What you need to know by: Lauren Lewis  Posted: Oct 3, 2024 / 05:23 PM PDT  Updated: Oct 3, 2024 / 05:28 PM PDT

October 4th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in history in 1209, Pope Innocent II crowned German King Otto of Wittelsbach. The assassination of Caliph al-Adil fell on this day in 1227. This day in 1363 marked the end of the Battle of Lake Poyang, when the Chinese rebel forces of Zhu Yuanzhang defeated that of his rival, Chen Youliang, in one of the largest naval battles in history. On this day in 1537, the first complete English-language Bible (the Matthew Bible) is printed, with translations by William Tyndale and Miles Coverdale. Synod of Emden was on this day and lasting until October 13th back in 1571. This day in 1582 marked the last Julian calendar day in Spain/Portugal/pontifical states. The Battle at Wittstock was fought on this day in 1636 in Brandenburg, with Sweden ultimately beating Ferdinand III. On this day in 1636 in the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, the first law was drafted. Peter Stuyvesant established America's first volunteer firemen on this day in 1648. Christian Huygens patented the pocket watch on this day in 1675. The Battle of Marsaglia was fought on this day in 1693, when Piedmontese troops were defeated by the French.
1712 - Utrecht banishes poor Jews
1725 - Foundation of Rosario in Argentina.
1777 - Battle of Germantown: Gen George Washington's troops attack and are defeated by the British at Germantown, Pennsylvania
1779 - The Fort Wilson Riot takes place.
1824 - Mexico becomes a republic
1830 - Provisional government declares secession of Belgium from Netherlands
1834 - Franz Grillparzer's "Der Traum ein Leben," premieres in Vienna
1854 - Abraham Lincoln made his 1st political speech at Illinois State Fair
US President Abraham LincolnUS President Abraham Lincoln 1862 - Battle of Corinth ends
1864 - National black convention meets (Syracuse NY)
1864 - New Orleans Tribune, 1st black daily newspaper, forms
1873 - Toronto Argonaut Football Club forms
1880 - University of California founded in Los Angeles
1881 - Edward Leveaux patents automatic player piano
1883 - Orient Express' 1st run, linking Turkey to Europe by rail
1883 - First meeting of the Boys' Brigade in Glasgow, Scotland.
1895 - Horace Rawlins wins 1st US Open golf tournament (Newport RI)
1897 - George Bernard Shaw's "Devil's Disciple," premieres in NYC
1900 - Start of Sherlock Holmes adventure "Problem of Thor Bridge" (BG)
1901 - Columbia (US) beats Shamrock II (England) in 12th America's Cup
1904 - 1st day of NYC subway, 350,000 people ride 9.1 mile tracks
1906 - Chicago Cubs win their 116th game (116-36 .763) of year
1910 - Portugal becomes a republic, King Manuel II flees to England
Playwright George Bernard ShawPlaywright George Bernard Shaw 1910 - Adoption of the Flag of Bermuda.
1911 - 1st public elevator (London's Earl's Court Metro Station)
1913 - Bkln Dodger Jake Daubert earns a new Chalmers auto as NL MVP
1913 - Freddy Wilson of Regina Roughriders kicks 10 singles in a game
1914 - Dardanellen (French & English) fleet bombs Turkish forts
1915 - Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado & Utah is established
1916 - Market Street's "Path of Gold" lit for 1st time
1917 - British assault on Broodseinde, France
1918 - Musical "Sometime" with Mae West premieres in NYC
1921 - League of Nations refuses to assist starving Russians
1921 - Riccardo Zanella becomes first elected president of Free State of Fiume.
1922 - For 1st time, entire World Series broadcast over radio (WJZ & WGY)
1922 - Protocol of Genevia signed: Austria gains independence
1923 - Young Stribling held light-heavyweight boxing championship for shortest amount of time (3 hrs). Referee overturns decision
1924 - NY Giants become 1st team to appear in 4 consecutive World Series
Actress Mae WestActress Mae West 1925 - Harry Heilmann's 6 hits edges Ty Cobb .393 to .389 as batting champ
1926 - Dahlia is officially designated as SF city flower
1927 - Gutzon Borglum begins sculpting Mt. Rushmore.
1928 - 25th World Series begins, NY Yankees vs St Louis Cardinals
1928 - KPD begins petition against Germany building a battle fleet
1930 - A's Jack Quinn, 46, pitches 2 inn, is oldest to play in World Series
1931 - Dick Tracy comic strip by Chester Gould debuts
1931 - Juan Esteban Montero becomes president of Chile
1932 - Anti-semite Julius Gombos forms new government in Hungary
1932 - Clark Griffith announces Walter Johnson will be manager of Senators
1933 - Esquire magazine is 1st published
1936 - Italian lire devalued
1936 - Record 66,669 at Yankee Stadium for 4th game of World Series
1939 - Last Polish troops surrender
1940 - 12 German aircrafts shot down above England
Dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf HitlerDictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler 1940 - Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini confer at Brenner Pass in Alps
1940 - French Vichy-regime proclaims end of "Statut of the Juifs"
1940 - Wrestling returns to Madison Sq Garden after 12 year lay off
1942 - German assault on Tractor factory in Stalingrad
1943 - Corsica freed by Free French
1943 - German occupiers forbid flying of kites (6 month jail sentence)
1944 - British troops land on Greek continent
1944 - 1st All St Louis World Series, all games played at Sportsman's Park
1944 - St Louis Browns win 1st World Series game in their only appearance
1947 - Negro League World Series, NY Cubans beat Cleveland Buckeyes, 6-5
1948 - Indians beat Red Sox, 8-0, in 1st AL playoff game
1948 - World Council of Churches forms under W Fisherman It Hooft)
1949 - American Contract Bridge League votes 58½% to keep blacks out
1949 - United Nations' permanent NYC headquarters is dedicated
1950 - French troops vacate Cla Afraid Vietnam
1951 - In opening World Series game, Giant Monte Irvin steals home in 1st inn
1952 - "Top Banana" closes at Winter Garden Theater NYC after 356 perfs
1953 - Jim Peters runs world record marathon (2:17:39.4)
1953 - Mickey Mantle hits a grand slam in World Series
1955 - Brooklyn Dodgers only World Series victory, beating Yankees in 7
1955 - Rev Sun Young Moon leaves prison in Seoul
1956 - Great Britain performs nuclear test at Maralinga Australia
1957 - "Leave It to Beaver," debuts on CBS
1957 - USSR launches Sputnik I, 1st artificial Earth satellite
1957 - Avro Arrow roll-out ceremony at Avro Canada plant in Malton, Ontario.
1958 - 12th NHL All-Star Game: Montreal beat All-Stars 6-3 at Montreal
1958 - 5th French republic forms
1958 - Transatlantic coml jet passenger service began (BOAC)
1958 - Fifth Republic of France is established.
1959 - 1st World Series game played west of St Louis (in LA)
1959 - Cleveland Browns' Jim Brown makes club record 37 rushing attempts
1959 - Dmitri Sjostakovitch 1st Cello concert premieres in Leningrad
1959 - LA Dodgers set World Series attendance record at 92,394
1959 - Netherlands beats Belgium 9-1
1959 - USSR Luna 3 sent back 1st photos of Moon's far side
1960 - Courier 1B Launched; 1st active repeater satellite in orbit
1961 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1961 - Whitey Ford's 3rd straight World Series shutout
1962 - USAF Maj Robert A Rushworth takes X-15 to 32,300m
1962 - Whitey Ford's World Series 33 2/3 scoreless inning streak ends
1963 - -8] Hurricane Flora, kills 6,000 in Cuba & Haiti
1963 - Gambia achieves full internal self-government
1964 - -7] Hurricane Hilda, kills 38 in La, Miss & Ga
1964 - 10th LPGA Championship won by Mary Mills
1964 - 3 cars of a commuter train derails in South Africa killing 81
1964 - Italian Autostrada del Sol opens at Milan-Naples
1964 - Patriots' Gino Cappelletti kicks 6-of-6 field goals against Broncos
1964 - Phils bomb Reds 10-0 as both teams finish one game behind St Louis
1965 - "Pickwick" opens at 46th St Theater NYC for 56 performances
1965 - Pope Paul VI becomes 1st Pope to visit Western Hemisphere (UN)
1965 - USSR launches Luna 7; crash lands on Moon
1966 - Dutch Cardinal Alfrink presents New Catechism
1966 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1966 - Lesotho (Basutoland) gains independence from Britain (National Day)
1967 - 1st World Series since 1948 not to feature Yanks, Giants or Dodgers
1967 - Omar Ali Saifuddin III of Brunei abdicates in favour of his son, His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.
1969 - Last wooden passenger subway cars retired at Bkln Myrtle Beach el
1969 - UN starts issuing postage stamps at Geneva headquarters
1969 - Baseball's 1st divisional playoff games, Mets beat Braves 9-5 & Orioles beat Twins 4-3 in 12 innings
1970 - KC Chiefs Jan Stenerud kicks 55-yard field goal
1970 - Umps return after 1-day walkout in quest of higher wages
1970 - WFYI TV channel 20 in Indianapolis, IN (PBS) begins broadcasting
1970 - Herbert Schmidtz makes highest parachute jump from a tower by leaping from a 1,984 ft TV mast in Tulsa, Oklahoma
1971 - Borden's opens a turn-of-century ice cream parlor at Disney World
1971 - KMPH TV channel 26 in Visalia-Fresno, CA (IND) begins broadcasting
1971 - USSR performs underground nuclear test
Baseball Player Ted WilliamsBaseball Player Ted Williams 1972 - Ted Williams manages his final game as Rangers lose to Royals, 4-0
1973 - Hans of Manens ballet "Adagio Hammerklavier" premieres in Amsterdam
1974 - John Lennon releases "Walls & Bridges" album
1975 - A Cessna 310Q airplane crashes over Wilmington, North Carolina, killing the pilot and severely injuring several pro wrestlers affiliated with the NWA's Mid-Atlantic promotion. One of the survivors is the legendary Ric Flair.
1976 - Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz resigns due to telling a racial joke
1976 - Supreme Court lifts 1972 ban on death penalty for convicted murderers
1976 - Official launch of the Intercity 125 High Speed Train (HST).
1977 - Pier 39 opens in SF
1978 - Funeral services held for Pope John Paul I
1979 - Hugh Leonards "Life," premieres in Dublin
1979 - USSR performs nuclear test
1980 - Mike Schmidt's 2-run HR clinches NL East title for Phillies
1981 - Donna Caponi Young/Kathy Whitworth wins Portland Ping Team Golf Champ
1981 - Meadowlands Arena opens in NJ
1981 - Pasakevi Kouna of Greece (9) is youngest intl gymnastics participant
Musician and Beatle John LennonMusician and Beatle John Lennon 1982 - Helmut Kohl elected chancellor of German FR
1983 - Richard Noble reaches record 1019 kph in jet-powered car
1984 - US government closes down due to budget problems
1984 - Detroit Tigers clinch AL East
1985 - Henry G Perry completes 157 day, 14,021 mile bicycle tour of Australia
1985 - Shite Moslems claim to have killed hostage William Buckley
1985 - Free Software Foundation is founded in Massachusetts, USA.
1986 - NY Yank Dave Righetti saves doubleheader for then record 46 saves
1986 - Queen Beatrice installs dam at Oosterschelde
1986 - Rachel Oliver (Mass), 20, crowned 19th Miss Black America
1987 - 1st "Scrub Sunday" of NFL football with replacement players
1987 - Blues Jays lose final 7 games allowing Tigers to win AL pennant
1987 - James Jefferson of Winnipeg scores 2 TDs on interception returns without making an interception. (He scored on laterals)
1988 - Pillsbury stock soars $18.37 to $57.37 on takeover bid
1989 - Giants Will Clark hits 1st NLCS grand slam since 1977
1989 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1990 - "Stand Up Tragedy" opens at Criterion Theater NYC for 13 performances
1990 - Regional elections held, in what is East Germany
1991 - Delta Center in Salt Lake City Utah
1991 - NHL NY Rangers trade Bernie Nichols to Edmonton for Mark Messier
1991 - San Jose Sharks lose 4-3 to Vancouver Canucks in their 1st NHL game
1991 - Whiteland Janice, driven by Mike Lachance, wins Kentucky Futurity
1991 - The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty is opened for signature.
1992 - "Anna Karenina" closes at Circle in Sq Theater NYC after 46 perfs
1992 - "Real Inspector Hound" closes at Criterion Theater NYC after 61 perfs
1992 - 1st time AL East & West champs have same record (96-66)-Tor & Oak
1992 - 2nd Solheim Cup: Europe beats US, 11½-6½ at Dalmahoy CC Scotland
1992 - El Al cargo plane crashes at Amsterdam Bijlmer, 43 die
1992 - Miami Dolphin Louis Oliver returns record tying interception 103 yards
1992 - The Rome General Peace Accords ends a 16 year civil war in Mozambique.
1993 - Troops of pres Yelsin occupy Russian White House (parliament)
1994 - 7.9 earthquake strikes Koerilen, flood kills 18+
1994 - Keith Moore is charged with stealing $5,000,000 from Sting
1994 - Soyuz TM-20 launches
1995 - 29th Country Music Association Award: Krauss Jackson win
1995 - Jim Leyritz homers with a man on in 15th inning to give Yankees 2-0 Division Series lead over Mariners
1996 - BPAA US Bowling Open by Dave Husted
1996 - BPAA US Women's Bowling Open won by Liz Johnson
1996 - Shahid Afridi scores century in 37 balls for Pakistan v Sri Lanka
1997 - Farm Aid 10 concert cancelled due to weak ticket sales
1997 - The second largest cash robbery in U.S. history occurs at the Charlotte, North Carolina office of Loomis, Fargo and Company. An FBI investigation eventually results in 24 convictions and the recovery of approximately 95% of the $17.3 million in cash which had been taken.
2001 - Siberia Airlines Flight 1812: a Sibir Airlines Tupolev TU-154 crashes into the Black Sea after being struck by an errant Ukrainian S-200 missile. 78 people are killed.
2003 - Maxim restaurant suicide bombing in Haifa, Israel: 21 Israelis, Jews and Arabs, are killed, and 51 others wounded.
2004 - SpaceShipOne wins Ansari X Prize for private spaceflight.
2009 - George Papandreou's Panhellenic Socialist Movement defeats Greece's governing New Democracy party in an electoral landslide.
2012 - Turkey’s parliament approves cross-border military operations in Syria
2012 - 19 people are killed after being buried by a landslide in Yunnan, China
2012 - Jordan’s King Abdullah dissolves parliament in preparation for new elections

Formula 1 Racing Driver Michael SchumacherFormula 1 Racing Driver Michael Schumacher 2012 - Formula One legend, Michael Schumacher, retires

1535 - The first complete English translation of the Bible was printed in Zurich, Switzerland.   1648 - The first volunteer fire department was established in New York by Peter Stuyvesant.   1777 - At Germantown, PA, Patriot forces and British forces both suffer heavy losses in battle. The battle was seen as British victory, which actually served as a moral boost to the Americans.   1876 - The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas formally dedicated by Texas Gov. Richard Coke. It was the state's first venture into public higher education. The college opened for classed two days earlier.   1881 - Edward Leveaux received a patent for the player piano.   1887 - The Paris Herald Tribune was published for the first time. It was later known as the International Herald Tribune.   1893 - The first professional football contract was signed by Grant Dibert for the Pittsburgh AC.   1895 - The first U.S. Open golf tournament took place in Newport, RI. Horace Rawlins, 19 years old, won the tournament.   1909 - The first airship race in the U.S. took place in St. Louis, MO.   1915 - The Dinosaur National Monument was established. The area covered part of Utah and Colorado.   1927 - The first actual work of carving began on Mount Rushmore.   1931 - The comic strip "Dick Tracy" made its debut in the Detroit Daily Mirror. The strip was created by Chester Gould.   1933 - "Esquire" magazine was published for the first time.   1940 - Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met in the Alps at Brenner Pass. Hitler was seeking help from Italy to fight the British.   1948 - The Railroad Hour" debuted on ABC radio.   1953 - "I Led Three Lives" was first seen in syndication. The TV show was never on network.   1954 - "December Bride" debuted on CBS-TV.   1956 - "Playhouse 90" debuted on CBS-TV.   1957 - "Leave it to Beaver" debuted on CBS-TV.   1957 - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth. Sputnik was the first manmade satellite to enter space. Sputnik I fell out of orbit on January 4, 1958.   1958 - British Overseas Airways Corporation became the first jetliner to offer trans-Atlantic service to passengers with flights between London, England and New York.   1959 - The first World Series to be played west of St. Louis began in Los Angeles, CA.   1965 - Pope Paul VI addressed the U.N. General Assembly and became the first reigning pontiff to visit the Western Hemisphere.   1976 - Barbara Walters joined Harry Reasoner at the anchor desk of the "ABC Evening News" for the first time.   1981 - Bruce Jenner and Harry Belafonte debuted in their first dramatic roles in NBC-TV's "Grambling's White Tiger".   1987 - NFL owners used replacement personnel to play games despite the player's strike.   1990 - The German parliament had its first meeting since reunification.   1992 - The 16-year civil war in Mozambique ended.   1993 - Russian Vice-President Alexander Rutskoi and Chairman Ruslan Khasbulatov surrendered to Boris Yeltsin after a ten-hour tank assault on the Russian White House. The two men had barricaded themselves in after Yeltsin called for general elections and dissolved the legislative body.   1993 - Dozens of Somalis dragged an American soldier through the streets of Mogadishu. A videotape showed Michael Durant being taken prisoner by Somali militants.   1994 - South African President Nelson Mandela was welcomed to the White House by U.S. President Clinton.   1997 - Hundreds of thousands of men attended a Promise Keepers rally on the Mall in Washington, DC.   1998 - The Vincent Van Gogh exhibit opened in Washington, DC. The exhibit featured 70 paintings.   1998 - Davis Gaines performed as the Phantom in the show "Phantom of the Opera" for the 2,000th time.   2001 - NATO granted the United States open access to their airfields and seaports and agreed to deploy ships and early-warning radar planes in the war on terrorism.   2001 - Barry Bonds (San Francisco Giants) hit his 70th home run of the season to tie Mark McGwire's major league record. Bonds also moved past Reggie Jackson on the all-time list with his 564th career home run.   2001 - Rickey Henderson (San Diego Padres) scored his 2,246th career run to break Ty Cobb's major league record.   2001 - In Washington, DC, Reagan National Airport re-opened. The airport had been closed since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.   2004 - SpaceShipOne reached an altitude of 368,000 feet. It was the first privately built, manned rocket ship to fly in space twice within a two week window. The ship won the Ansari X Prize of $10 million dollars for their success.

1887 The International Herald Tribune was published for the first time. 1895 The first U.S. Open Golf tournament was held in Newport, Rhode Island. 1957 The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, into orbit around the earth, ushering in the Space Age and Space Race. 1965 Pope Paul VI made the first visit to the Western Hemisphere by a reigning pope. He came to New York to address the UN General Assembly. 1970 Rock singer Janis Joplin was found dead of a drug overdose at age 27. 1990 The German parliament met for the first time since the reunification of Germany. 2001 Authorities confirmed a tabloid editor in Florida had contracted anthrax. He died the next day. 2002 John Walker Lindh, the "American Taliban," received a 20-year sentence.

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