Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 13th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in the year 54, Nero ascended to the Roman throne. In 409 on this day, Vandals and Alans crossed the Pyrenees and appeared in Hispania. The Battle at Steppes (in modern day Belgium) was fought on this day in 1213, when Bishop Pierrepont & Louis II defeated Henry I of Brabant. On this day in 1282, Nichiren Daishonin, founder of the Nichiren School of Buddhism, died. His ashes are interred at Taisekiji Temple. In 1307 on this day, French King Philip IV convicted templars on the grounds of heresy.
1483 - Rabbi Issac Abarbanel starts his exegesis on Bible
1492 - English admiral Poynings fleet occupies Lock
1501 - Maximilian of Austria & Louis XII sign Treaty of Trente
1534 - Alessandro Farnese elected as Pope Paul III
1629 - Dutch West Indies Co grants religious freedom in West Indies
1652 - Prince of Condé flees Paris
1659 - Gen-major John Lambert drives out English Rump-government
1660 - Denmark king Frederik III makes coup
1702 - Dutch/English troops occupy Luik
1710 - English troops occupy Acadia (Nova Scotia)
1716 - Hungarian Emperor Karel VI's troops occupy Temesvar
1724 - Jonathan Swift publishes last of Drapier's letters
1760 - Russian/Austrian army evacuates Berlin
1773 - The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered by Charles Messier
Satirist Jonathan SwiftSatirist Jonathan Swift 1775 - Continental Congress orders construction of a naval fleet
1792 - "Old Farmer's Almanac" is 1st published
1792 - Washington lays cornerstone of Executive Mansion (White House)
1812 - Battle of Queenstown Heights, Brit beats US attempt to invade Canada
1843 - B'nai B'rith founded (NY)
1845 - Texas ratifies a state constitution
1860 - 1st aerial photo taken in US (from a balloon), Boston
1862 - Bismarck's "Blood & Iron" speech
1863 - Skirmish at Blountsville, Tennessee (50 casualties)
1864 - Battle at Darbytown Road Virginia (337 casualties)
1864 - Battle of Dalton, GA - surrendered
1864 - Battle of Harpers Ferry, WV (Mosby's Raid)
1864 - Maryland voters adopt new constitution, including abolition of slavery
1870 - Gustav Mahler (10) gives his 1st public piano concert
1871 - The Delphic Fraternity is founded as the Delphic Society at the State Normal School in Geneseo, New York.
The Gray Ghost John Singleton MosbyThe Gray Ghost John Singleton Mosby 1881 - Revival of Hebrew language as Eliezer Ben-Yehuda & friends agree to use Hebrew exclusively in their conversations
1884 - Greenwich established as universal time meridian of longitude
1885 - The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is founded in Atlanta, Georgia.
1890 - The Delta Chi fraternity is founded by 11 law students at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
1893 - Vigilant (US) beats Valkyrie II (England) in 9th America's Cup
1899 - 7000 lay-offs black mine workers of South Africa reach Natal
1903 - Pilgrims beat Pirates 5 games to 3 in 1st World Series
1903 - Victor Herbert's "Babes in Toyland," premieres in NYC
1913 - Explosion & fire in Universal Coal Mine, South Wales
1914 - Belgian regime forms at St Adresse at Le Havre
1914 - Boston Braves sweep Phila A's, 1st sweep in World Series history
1914 - Garrett Morgan invents & patents gas mask
1914 - Pro-German Boers begin opposition of British authority in South Africa
1915 - Boston Red Sox beat Philadelphia Phillies, 4 games to 1 in 12th World Series
1917 - Soviet accept establishment of Petrograd Military
1920 - World Series celebration in Wade Park brings out 50,000+ Clevelanders
1921 - NY Giants beat NY Yankees, 5 games to 3 in 18th World Series
1923 - Angora (Ankara) becomes Turkey's capital
1924 - Wahhabietes under Ibn Saudi take Mecca
1930 - New German Reichstag opens with 107 NSDAP'ers in uniform
1931 - Musical "Everybody's Welcome" with T/J Dorsey premieres in NYC
1931 - Noel Cowards "Cavalcade," premieres in London
1933 - JDJ Boularan's "Tovarich," premieres in Paris
1933 - Soccer team STEVO forms in Geesteren
1936 - Explosion caused by leaking gas rips out section 12 of Cleve Stadium
1937 - A recorded trace of snow in Central Park NYC
1941 - Nazi's kill 11,000 Jewish children/old people
1943 - Italy declares war on former Axis partner Germany
1944 - Riga Latvia freed
1944 - US 1st army begins battle of Aachen
1947 - "Kukla, Fran & Ollie" premieres
1947 - 1st NHL All-Star Game: All-Stars beat Toronto 4-3 at Toronto
1949 - "Touch & Go" opens at Broadhurst Theater NYC for 176 performances
1953 - Burglar alarm-ultrasonic or radio waves-patented-Samuel Bagno
1954 - RP Smith/M Shulman's "Tender Trap," premieres in NYC
1955 - 1st edition of L'express publishes in Paris
1956 - WAGM TV channel 8 in Presque Isle, ME (CBS/NBC/ABC) begins
1957 - German Dem Rep recalls East Mark & issues new currency
1958 - Burial of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII on the 41st anniversary of the "Miracle of the Sun".
1960 - 3rd presidential debate with Nixon in Hollywood & Kennedy in NY
First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Nikita KhrushchevFirst Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev 1960 - Nikita Khrushchev (PM USSR) bangs his shoe on table at UN
1960 - Opponents of Fidel Castro executed in Cuba
1960 - Pirate's Mazeroski's bottom of 9th lead off HR beats NY Yankees 10-9 in game 7 of 57th World Series
1962 - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" opens on Broadway, with Uta Hagen
1963 - "Beatlemania" is coined after Beatles appear at Palladium
1963 - 15th Ryder Cup: US beats 23-9 at East Lake Country Club (Atlanta, Georgia, US)
1963 - 9th LPGA Championship won by Mickey Wright
1964 - At Plesman airport, Curacao, 125.5 mm rainfalls (record)
1964 - Voskhod 1 crew returns
1966 - 173 US airplanes bomb North-Vietnam
1966 - Vice Admiral Rufus L Taylor, USN, becomes deputy director of CIA
1967 - CBS radio cancels "House Party"
1968 - Tinker Creek Gorge of Cleveland Metroparks is dedicated
1969 - 1st time 7 people in space
1969 - Billy Martin (97-65) is fired as manager of AL West-winning Twins
Cuban President Fidel CastroCuban President Fidel Castro 1969 - Soyuz 8 is launched
1970 - Angela Davis arrested in NYC
1970 - USSR performs nuclear test at Sary Shagan USSR
1971 - 1st World Series night game (Pittsburgh 4-Baltimore 3)
1971 - WTZH TV channel 24 in Meridian, MS (CBS) suspends broadcasting
1972 - "Hurry, Harry" closes at Ritz Theater NYC after 2 performances
1972 - Aeroflot Il-62 crashes in large pond outside Moscow, 176 die
1972 - Commish Bowie Kuhn allows Bert Campaneris to play in World Series
1972 - Uruguay to Chile plane crashes in Andes Mountain, (12 of 23 rescue)
1972 - Argentine Fairchild crashes in Andesgebergte (rugby team eats crash victims to survive)
1973 - Jordan enters Yom Kippur war
1973 - Teri Garr appears on Bob Newhart Show in "Emily in for Carol"
1975 - 9th Country Music Association Award: John Denver wins
1975 - Rock vocal Neil Young undergoes throat surgery
1976 - A Bolivian Boeing 707 cargo jet crashes in Santa Cruz, Bolivia killing 100 (97, mostly children, killed on the ground).
1976 - The first electron micrograph of an Ebola viral particle was obtained by Dr. F.A. Murphy, now at U.C. Davis, who was then working at the C.D.C..
1978 - Pres Carter answers caller questions on National Public Radio
1978 - Swaziland's new constitution promulgated bans political parties
1978 - Tiros N, US's 1st 3rd generation weather satellite, is launched
1978 - Graig Nettles at 3rd makes many spectactular plays in WS game 3 as Guidry beats Dodgers, after trailing 2 games to 0 Yanks win next 4
1980 - 14th Country Music Association Award:[approx]
1980 - Unprovoked slayings of 6 blacks in Buffalo, NY
Egyptian President Hosni MubarakEgyptian President Hosni Mubarak 1981 - Vice President Hosni Mubarak elected president of Egypt
1982 - IOC Executive Committee approves the reinstatement of Jim Thorpe's s gold medals from the 1912 Olympics
1982 - NJ Devils 1st short handed goal-Don Lever
1983 - Ameritech Mobile Communications (now Cingular) launched the first US cellular network in Chicago, Illinois.
1984 - Blackhawk Bill Gardner scores on 10th penalty shot against Islanders
1984 - John Henry becomes 1st thoroughbred to win $6 million
1984 - STS 41-G mission; lands at Kennedy Space Center
1985 - "Sunday in the Park with George" closes at Booth NYC after 604 perfs
1985 - Belgium premier Martens CVP wins parliamentary election
1985 - During NLCS, Cards rookie Vince Coleman is injured stretching before game as his left leg is caught in Busch Stadium's automated tarpaulin
1986 - 20th Country Music Association Award:
1986 - 25th NY, NL appearance in World Series (Mets vs A's)
1986 - IOC announces baseball will become a medal sport in 1992
1987 - 1st military use of trained dolphins (US Navy in Persian Gulf)
1987 - Costa Rican Pres Oscar Arias wins Nobel Peace Prize
Versatile Athlete Jim ThorpeVersatile Athlete Jim Thorpe 1987 - West Indies score 4-360 in 50 overs in Cricket World Cup v Sri Lanka
1988 - Concert at Masada ends Israel's 40th-anniversary fest
1988 - Nobel prize for literature awarded to Naguib Mahfouz
1988 - Shroud of Turin, revered by many Christians as Christ's burial cloth, is shown by carbon-dating tests to be a fake from the Middle Ages
1988 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1989 - Bob Quinn resigns as NY Yankee VP/GM & replaced by Harding Peterson
1989 - Dow Jones down 190.58 points
1990 - 1st Russian Orthodox service in 70 yrs held in St Basil's Cathedral
1990 - Target Center in Minneapolis opens
1991 - Blue Jay Cito Gaston is 1st manager ejected in a playoff game
1991 - Minnesota Twins win AL pennant beating Toronto in 5 games
1993 - Greek government of Papandreou forms
1993 - Mighty Ducks win their 1st NHL game
1993 - Nobel prize for chemistry awarded to Kary Mullis & Michael Smith
1993 - Nobel prize for physics awarded to Russel Hulse & Joseph Taylor
1993 - Phillies beat Atlanta in NLCS
1993 - Captured American Pilot Mike Durant is filmed in an interview in captivity by a CNN camera crew.
1994 - Earliest start of Sheffield Shield season (Queensland v Tasmania)
1994 - Nobel prize for literature awarded to Kenzaburo Oe
1995 - Joseph Rotblat awarded Nobel Peace Prize
1995 - Pamela Anderson Lee, rush to hospital with flu like symptoms
1996 - "Big," closes at Shubert Theater NYC after 193 performances
1996 - Annika Sorenstam wins Betsy King LPGA Golf Classic
1996 - NY Jet Nick Lowrey breaks Jan Stenerud NFL field goal record at 374
1996 - Yanks (3) & Orioles (3) combine to tie play off record of 6 HRs
1997 - Andy Green's Jet-powered car reaches record 749.69 MPH
1999 - The United States Senate rejects ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
2008 - HM Treasury infused £37 billion ($64 billion, 47 billion euros) of new capital-bailout into Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, Lloyds TSB and HBOS Plc, to avert a financial sector collapse.
2010 - The 2010 Copiapó mining accident in Copiapó, Chile comes to an end as all 33 miners arrive at the surface after surviving a record 69 days underground awaiting rescue.
2012 - 15 people are killed by a market suicide bombing in Darra Adam Khel, Pakistan

2012 - Gerhard Richter's Abstraktes Bild sells for $34 million, the highest sold artwork by a living artist

54 A.D. - The Roman emperor Claudius I died after being poisoned by his wife, Agrippina.   1775 - The U.S. Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet.   1792 - The cornerstone of the Executive Mansion was laid in Washington, DC. The building became known as the White House in 1818.   1812 - American forces were defeated at the Battle of Queenstown Heights. The British victory effectively ended an further U.S. invasion of Canada.   1843 - B'nai B'rith, the Jewish organization, was founded by Henry Jones and eleven others in New York City, NY.   1854 - The state of Texas ratified a state constitution.   1924 - The play "The Guardsman" opened in New York City, NY.   1943 - During World War II, Italy signed an armistice with the Allies and declared war on Germany.   1944 - American troops entered Aachen, Germany, during World War II.   1944 - During World War II, British and Greek advance units landed at Piraeus.   1951 - In Atlanta, GA, a football with a rubber covering was used for the first time. Georgia Tech beat Louisiana State 25-7.   1953 - An ultrasonic burglar alarm was patented by Samuel Bagno.   1957 - Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra introduced the Ford Edsel on an hour long special.   1960 - The World Series ended on a home run for the first time. Bill Mazeroski's homerun allowed the Pirates to beat the Yankees.   1962 - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" opened on Broadway.   1967 - The first game of the new American Basketball Association was played.   1977 - Four Palestinians hijacked an Lufthansa airliner to Somalia. They demanded the release of members of the Red Army Faction.   1981 - Egyptian voters elected Vice President Hosni Mubarak as the new president one week after Anwar Sadat was assassinated.   1984 - Jesse Jackson appeared on "Saturday Night Live."   1989 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush called for an overthrow of the Panamanian ruler Manuel Antonio Noriega.   1990 - Le Duc Tho died at the age of 79. He was a co-founder of the Vietnamese Communist Party.   1992 - A commercial flight record was set by an Air France supersonic jetliner for circling the Earth in 33 hours and one minute.   1995 - Walt Disney World Resort admitted its 500-millionth guest.  Disney movies, music and books   1998 - The National Basketball Association (NBA) canceled regular season games, due to work stoppage, for first time in its 51-year history.   1999 - The U.S. Senate rejected the ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).   2010 - Near Copiapó, Chile, 33 miners were trapped underground in San José Mine. The miners were rescued after 69 days underground. 

1775 The Continental Congress authorized the construction of a naval fleet. 1792 The cornerstone of the White House was laid. 1843 The Jewish organization B'nai B'rith was founded. 1903 Boston defeated Pittsburgh in the first World Series. 1943 Italy declared war on Germany, its former Axis partner, during World War II. 1974 Ed Sullivan died in New York City at age 72. 1981 Egypt's vice president Hosni Mubarak was elected president, one week after Anwar Sadat's assassination.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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