Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Times Are Hard, and Getting Even Harder

The economy has gotten better, they say. Things are improving.

Perhaps indeed the economy is not quite as dire and next to an all-encompassing catastrophe, even a depression potentially, as it was in 2008. But for the most part, investors and boards members and other elites are the ones that are gaining, as usual. The rich get richer, and the rest of us are growing poorer.

As usual.

Again, listen to what the so-called "experts" are saying, and contrast that to the grim reality that most Americans are facing. Things are generally bleak, the outlook for the future is bad. The price of everything is going up, while salaries are just not able to keep up.

And those are the lucky ones who have a job. Many don't.

Here is an article from Bill Moyers website that you might want to read. Depressing, but illuminating.

"Charts: The Worst Long-Term Unemployment Crisis Since the Depression"  December 24, 2013  by Dave Gilson, Tasneem Raja and AJ Vicens:

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