Monday, August 11, 2014

ISIS Not Staying True to Real Islamic Teachings

This is not exactly a surprise.

Almost all fundamentalist Islamic republics, or movements like ISIS that aspire to establish an Islamic republic, tend to emphasize the more charitable and forgiving aspects that their religion surely preaches.

It seems to me that these organizations, and the individuals that reach key positions of power in Islamic republics, tend to abuse their power. Everyone acts surprised, yet I'm not entirely sure why people are so surprised. People that generally seek power at all costs will use whatever means necessary in order to obtain power - including religion itself. That is nothing new, and it is certainly not a phenomenon restricted to Islam, or the Middle East. Some of the worst bigots, and most tyrannical figures in the West today wear their religions on their sleeves, seemingly to promote their political ambitions.

ISIS wants to establish an Islamic republic, but the Islamic republics that we have seen have tended to focus, almost exclusively, on the harshest aspects of their religion. Remember the Taliban in Afghanistan, and how they forced those Afghanis who were not Muslims to wear yellow identifying markers, which seemed eerily similar to Nazis forcing Jews to wear yellow Stars of David? How they enforced the punishment of stoning people to death for offenses that, frankly, seem very forgivable by modern standards? And remember how the Taliban destroyed the ancient Buddha statues of Bamiyan?

None of those actions, nor the many other atrocities that the Taliban had a hand in, were in keeping, let alone displayed, the generosity and greatness that their God is supposed to be all about.

The focus was on retaining power, and eliminating enemies. So why be surprised when another group, in another country and in another era, seems to be very similar to the Taliban, or other extremist, excessive Islamic movements? The surprise would be if they were any different!

In any case, here is the link to an article published in Time magazine that examines how ISIS is not adhering to "true" Islam, listing specifics:

ISIS Is Ignoring Islam’s Teachings on Yazidis and Christians by Sohaib N. Sultan @SohaibNSultan Aug. 8, 2014:

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