Friday, August 8, 2014

Who Is Closer to the Real Teachings of Jesus? Compare and Contrast

Hey, you don't even really have to actually click on the links and look extensively. Just look at the titles for each, and you definitely get the idea.

Both of these men are considered "Christian" leaders.

Yet, they have very different viewpoints from one another. In fact, you might be able to say that they are polar opposites!

In one case, a so-called Christian leader is essentially displaying his outright disgust with poor people, and essentially claiming that they can exercise their right to die.

In the other case, perhaps the most inspirational Pope that we have seen is saying the exact opposite, and is urging people to try and place their own selfish desires aside, in order to be better Christians.

Now, I know that one is a protestant, of some sect or another, and the other is the Catholic Pope in Rome. And yes, I am aware that they hold different sets of beliefs. Also, let me say this outright: I certainly am not as well versed in the Bible as either of these men are apt to be.

But I have read some parts of the Bible. Enough to know that a large part of the Jesus's teachings had to do with treating people as you would like to be treated yourself, and embracing and providing for the poor, like they are part of your family (which they are, as part of the human family).

I am not the most religious man in the world. As many people would say these days, I'm spiritual, but not religious.

Still, I admire this Pope. In fact, I have posted quite a few blog entries to the same effect. He seems to embody the best ideals and principles that Christianity has to offer, and he does so whether it is the politically practical thing for the Vatican or not (it usually is not).

But that other figure - Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church (it's in Texas) is the embodiment of just how far some religions, and their followers and, unfortunately, their leaders, have strayed from the original message. I don't think this is unique to Christianity, because hatred seems to be rampant in Christianity, as well as Islam and Judaism.

Again, I am far from an expert on religion, but that does not mean that I am blind to what it is designed to do. Religion is supposed to help you in your efforts to be a better person.

Yet, far too often, it has been misused to justify people's personal prejudices and, yes, even hatreds. Pastor John Hagee seems like a perfect example of that, talking about the poor with such disgust and contempt, that it almost borders on hate speech.

And I know enough to know that if that is what passes for religion these days, I want absolutely nothing to do with it.

On the other hand, these is Pope Francis, who has been like a breath of fresh air for the Catholic Church. He seems to be reminding Christians of what the true original tenets of Christianity actually were, and what they require of us: namely, an effort to actually keep other people in mind, and be a better person.

Like with everything else, there are some aspects that are appealing and purer, and there are aspects that are rotten to the core. Both men here would surely consider themselves religious leaders. Yet, one man preaches hatred, and the words of his Holy Book are used to promote his hatred (sorry, but I'm calling a spade a spade here). The other man preaches love, and has studied a very similar Holy Book to the previous man. Both call themselves Christian, yet each teaches a very different kind of a faith!

Using many of the same names and doctrines, they both have a vision of this world, and what is wrong with this world, that they want to use their faith to fix.

But how different the approach!

And I still admittedly wonder sometimes which one truly represents what religion has come to mean in our world in this day and age!

Conservative ‘Christian’ Pastor Calls Unemployed People ‘Nasty’ Says They Should Be Allowed To Starve (VIDEO) by Stephen D. Foster, August 6, 2014:

Pope Francis: 'Put The Needs Of The Poor Ahead Of Our Own' by Yasmine Hafiz of The Huffington Post, August 6, 2014:

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