Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sanders Now Leads in New Hampshire 60 % to 33% for Hillary

Well, since I am on the topic of Bernie Sanders in my last post, and since I saw this article earlier, it just seemed like something worth sharing here.

For months, we have heard how Sanders in unelectable. Thus, he was dismissed repeatedly and tirelessly by Hillary supporters, who clearly feared the possibility of losing the general election. Perhaps predictably, this spirit of dismissal began to grow more serious and more vehement as the challenge from Sanders clearly grew into a significant challenge.

Then, we heard that Hillary "won" the debate, and her supporters basically took the tone that the challenge was now over, and she could focus on the general election.

Somehow, the "unelectable" Sanders just keeps resurfacing, despite the best efforts of Hillary and her supporters to bury him. He was able to get thousands of people during a recent campaign stop in Alabama, of all states, and now, in a recent ABC News poll, he not only has a lead in New Hampshire, but a huge lead at that, almost doubling Hillary's support.

Funny, that the Hillary supporters who never challenge the idea that Sanders is not electable seem not to notice how their candidate is struggling in the elections every time that she runs for president, and how these same polls consistently show that trust is a huge liability for her.

If there is one thing that seems to set Sanders apart from not just Hillary, but all major politicians in general, it would be the issue of trust. Sanders has been the one consistent dissenting voice to the rampant political corruption coming out of Washington. You do not get the impression that he will say anything and do anything to get elected, like you do with many others, Hillary included. Hell, perhaps Hillary especially. She can act as angry as she likes when someone like Sanders dares to question how loyal she will be to ordinary Americans when corporations with special interests give her huge sums of money. The fact of the matter is, the American electorate has good reason to be suspicious of people like her who feel so comfortable and entitled to take money from big corporations that are perhaps the biggest problem that the country presently has. Recent history has shown that not being skeptical of such political figures has proven to be disastrous.

Yet, all you hear about is Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. Despite all of the question marks and doubts that people seem to have about her, it was always taken for granted that she would and should be the front runner. The main argument that her supporters have against Sanders is that he cannot actually be elected, rather than focusing on the strength of their own candidate's stance on the issues.

Here is a funny thing about all of those polls that showed that Sanders was never electable, and that Hillary was a shoe in: they are wrong. In fact, even though I am certainly not voicing my approval in regards to him, we have heard the same thing about Trump as well, even though he has remained as the front runner in the GOP field almost from the start. And the other Republican candidates trailing him use the same arguments that Hillary uses against Sanders: namely, that he is unelectable.

You know what? Maybe it is time to stop the fear-mongering about how horrendous it would be to have Sanders represent the Democrats in the general election, and to start taking a more serious look at what his ideas are, and what he actually stands for!

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