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The latest installment of the Star Wars saga, The Force Awakens, has now been in American theaters for two weeks. During that time, it has exploded with all sorts of new records, with presales and attendance records. Of course, it follows that record profits would follow, as well.
Now, filming for the second movie in this newest trilogy is set for a couple of weeks from now, as I understand it. So, it is safe to say that Star Wars is back, big time.
Having already reviewed the newest movie here (twice, actually - one without any spoilers, and one where I did not hold back anything), I thought it would be good to share the following link, which also has a lot of spoilers to it. So, if you still have not seen the movie and intend to, and justifiably do not want it spoiled for you before viewing it, then it is time to stop reading this, or rather, simply not to click on the link below.
So, be warned, do not click on the link below, or else you will surely run into things that will ensure that the newest Star Wars will not be entirely new to you after all.
Before moving right on to the link, I will say this: I took my son and met a friend to go see Star Wars in the theaters again yesterday, for New Year's Eve. This time, without everything being revealed for the first time, and trying to keep up with all that was going on in the movie, I was able to simply focus on some of the things that I have read about and missed in the first viewing (the appearance of the Jedi training ball in the Millenium Falcon, Finn's simple statement about using the Force to win the day before Han Solo dismissing him by saying that was not how the Force works, and the first appearances of both Luke Skywalker and the Knights of Ren).
Also, it was a bit easier to focus on the story and characters, and the strengths and/or weaknesses within the movie. And I must say, that the movie was actually a bit more enjoyable the second time around. I knew a bit more what to expect, and could concentrate on simply watching the movie, without worrying so much about what I might be missing, or being annoyed when I missed a line or two here and there.
What I noticed also in this second viewing was that Kylo Ren seemed almost invincible in the beginning parts of the movie, but seemed to grow weaker and more limited as it went along, particularly once he started taking off his mask and showing a more human side. While I still feel he has a ways to go before catching up to even Darth Maul, let alone Darth Vader, in terms of his strength as a villain, it nonetheless felt like he could be a worthy successor, given a bit more development.
So, yes, I enjoyed the movie quite a bit more the second time viewing it, although I also went knowing some of the holes and problems that I saw in it the first time around, as well as having read and heard some other criticisms of it from outside sources since. One of the most prominent ones was by a professor of English Studies, and that is the link that I thought worth sharing here below:
40 Unforgivable Plot Holes in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' by Seth Abramson, Assistant Professor of English at University of New Hampshire; Series Co-Editor, Best American Experimental Writing, 12/21/2015:
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