Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Eric Trump Betrays His Staggering Levels of Hypocrisy

A couple of years ago, I saw a quote from Eric Trump that just blew me away with the blatant stupidity and blindness that it revealed.

The man was clearly offended about all of the voices of opposition to his father, who had just taken over as president months before. Knowing that such a public figure in not just a major public office, but the largest public office in the world, will always draw controversy and criticism, you might think that the Trumps would have gotten thicker skin.

Clearly, they have not. Instead, they showed themselves to be exactly the kind of melting snowflakes that they and their supporters always accuse others of having. 

Look at what Eric Trump - Donald Trump's son - said about Democrats who were not reluctant to go on the attack against his father:

"I've never seen hatred like this. To me, they're not even people. It's so, so sad. I mean, morality is just gone. Morals have flown out the window. We deserve so much better than this as a country. You know it's so sad. You see the Democratic Party. They're imploding. They're imploding. They have no message. You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job. There's no leadership there. And so what do they do? They become obstructionists because they have no message of their own. They have no solid candidates of their own. They lost the election that they should have won because they spent seven times the amount of money that my father spent. They have no message, so what do they try and do? They try and obstruct a great man, they try and obstruct his family, they come after us viciously, and it's truly, truly horrible."

He is saying that these Democrats are not even people. He is saying that he has never seen such hatred, even though his own father specializes in hatred. 

Much like his father, Eric Trump grew up as a spoiled rich brat. He never had to worry about his next meal or anything. And he and his father, and his entire family, presume to tell the rest of us how we should live, and how much they know what is best for the country.

What dark times, and what a disgraceful family to have at the head of the country! Someday, let this country, and indeed this world, attain a level of wisdom to recognize such levels of stupidity and hypocrisy for what it is, and leave it firmly behind us. That's how to make this world a better place!

Eric Trump on Democrats: 'They're not even people' Jessica Estepa, USA TODAY Published 12:16 p.m. ET June 7, 2017

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