Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Trump Quotes Someone He Himself Once Described as a Hitler-Lover & Anti-Semite to Back His Border Wall

“Look, he’s a Hitler-lover. I guess he’s an anti-Semite. He doesn’t like the blacks. He doesn’t like the gays. It’s just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy.” 

- Donald Trump on Pat Buchanan, 1999

We are living in strange times, as we not?

We have a sitting president who claims to love the Bible more than anyone else, who knows more about ISIS than his generals, who knows pretty much more about anything than anyone else, is what it all boils down to. Nobody has ever accused Trump of not thinking highly enough about himself, obviously. If you need proof of Trump's own high opinion of himself, listen to what he says about himself. Or, just take a drive in some of our cities, where you can see TRUMP spelled out in big, bright letters on skyscrapers dominating our city skylines.

Trump waves about a lot of things, and seems to change his opinions a lot, but he never, ever changed his overly high opinion about himself, that's for sure. 

But he has changed his positions an awful lot on other things. Recently, he announced that he would pull American forces out of Syria. Then, he backtracked on that. He claimed that he never had anything whatsoever to do with Russia, no business dealings in the history of his business dealing, and then explains how Americans should not be interested that he was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. He stated as a candidate in no uncertain terms that he would make Mexico pay for the border wall, going so far as to state "Mark my words." Now, of course, he is presenting his blind supporters, and the rest of us who always have been skeptical, about the small print at the bottom, suggesting that he never meant that Mexico would pay directly for the wall. Funny, he never mentioned that before the 2016 election, eh?

Of course, Trump has changed his mind on a whole lot of other things, as well. How many people did he handpick to serve in his cabinet, praising them when he announced them initially, only to later dismiss them as worthless and lazy and useless - all adjectives that some might suggest might fit Trump himself. Look at what he has to say about Michael Cohen these days. Or Pat Tillerson.  Or Omarosa. 

Recently, he seemed to proudly state that he would take ownership of the government shutdown because he was not getting the funding for his border wall. Now, of course, he is blaming the Democrats, claiming that they are the only reason that the shutdown is continuing. Years ago, he claimed that the only kind of healthcare system that could possibly work for the United States was a single-payer system. Now, of course, he is rabidly against any such kind of a system for his country, and has done everything in his power to repeal even modest steps in that direction by effectively gutting Obamacare to the extent that he could. He also changed his mind about his own political party. Indeed, he used to feel that Republicans were - get this - way too far to the right! That they were allowing to happen to their part was "just nuts."

No, I am not making this up. It is not fake news. Here is the exact quote, and if you want to know where I got this from, just scroll down a little and watch the video to see for yourself:

"I believe the Republicans are just too crazy right...What's going on is just nuts."

Yes, he really said this. This quote was from Donald Trump's appearance on "Meet the Press" way back in October 24, 1999, a few days before the first election in our lifetimes when a Republican candidate would clearly lose the majority vote, yet officially win the presidential election. The second time that this would happen in our lifetime was, of course, in the last presidential election, and our collective punishment has been having to endure this con artist and flip-flopper try to explain why he is always right, and why anyone who opposes him, even a little bit, is always wrong. He has acted like an immature child throughout, energetically unleashing verbal temper tantrums with his mean-spirited tweets. Time and time again, this man has betrayed his astonishing levels of ignorance and arrogance, mixed with truly stunning immaturity. 

And through it all, he has continued to receive the clear and unwavering support of a solid 35 percent of American voters, who feel that this man can do no wrong. They believe the word of this known liar over that of major media sources, of every critic of this president, and - let's face it - often of Trump himself, because he contradicts himself so damn often.

So given all of that, it really should come as no surprise that he would flip-flop yet again, right? 

Only this time, we once again see the ugly side of his pretty blatant racism. Of course, he himself denies that he is racist, and would tell you that he is the least racist person that you could ever hope to meet. But then again, he had issues condemning Nazis back in the summer of 2017, when the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other white supremacists marched in Charlottesville. His refusal to condemn them back then garnered negative attention throughout the country, and indeed, around the world. So did his labeling dozens of countries in Africa and Central America as "shithole nations." And, as if we needed it, we have yet another reminder that racism really does not seem to both this guy a whole hell of a lot. 

What did he do? Well, he quoted Pat Buchanan in a recent tweet. Here is the tweet, where he quoted Pat Buchanan:

Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan.  The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!  125K 10:18 PM - Jan 13, 2019

So, there we go. Why is this so odd, given that both men are prominent Republicans?

Pat Buchanan, as you might remember, was condemned around the nation after giving a speech before the 1992 Republican National Convention that many people felt was filled with hatred and borderline racism, at best. That speech was cited by many opposed to Republicans, who felt that this was proof that the Republican party was going way too far to the right. Not everyone agreed, of course. But Donald Trump might have, because he himself singled out Buchanan years later, condemning him after Buchanan made yet another bizarre remark that many condemned as racist. One of the people who condemned him for being racist? Why, Donald Trump himself. And now, of course, Trump is quoting him.

Yes, that's right: Trump is quoting a man that he himself dismissed as a neo-Nazi 20 years ago!

“Look, he’s a Hitler-lover. I guess he’s an anti-Semite. He doesn’t like the blacks. He doesn’t like the gays. It’s just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy.” 

- Donald Trump on Pat Buchanan, 1999

He did not stop there, either. He went on a little bit more about Pat Buchanan, whom he clearly did not have a high opinion of. Moreover, he actually singled Buchanan out as one of the main examples for why he felt that the Republican party was going way too far to the right, and why he was leaving the Republican party. That's right, Trump made publicity by leaving the Republican party. He kind of made a show of it. Shocking, I know.

Here is some more of what Trump said about Buchanan at the time:

"It's just incredibly that anybody could embrace this guy. Maybe he'll get four or five percent of the vote, and he'll be a really staunch right wacko vote. I'm not even sure if it's right. It's just a wacko vote.I just can't imagine that anybody could take him seriously."

That, of course, sounds like some of the identical things that people were saying about Trump himself early in the 2016 election. Tragically, however, Trump proved to be more than merely a fringe candidate, as he obviously would go on to win the election, while the nation, and the rest of the world, would lose with him as president. We are still losing. 

Please take a look at this interview of Trump from back in 1999. Interesting to note that he was already outright expressing his interest in running for the White House. It is interesting, because this clip also showed a poll in which 77 percent of people would not consider voting for Trump under any circumstance.

Clearly, the American people seem to change their minds about some of these things, as well, and not necessarily for the better, eh?

Too bad Trump supporters do not ever change their mind, even with the clear evidence that their man seems to change his mind as frequently as he changes his shorts. And that image is no prettier than having such a man as this serving as this nation's face and voice.

Some information, and all of the quotes, were taken from the following Esquire article and/or by viewing this above video myself:

Maybe Trump Shouldn't Be Quoting a 'Hitler-Lover' When Defending His Policies The president took a break from attacking two new Russia reports and complaining about being alone in the White House.  image BY JACK HOLMES JAN 14, 2019:

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