Monday, August 27, 2018

Beatles History - First Performance of 'Hey Jude' 50 Years Ago on This Day August 26

Photo by Luiz Fernando Reis (Bealtes cor 36 on Flickr) 
Creative Commons License -


Meant to publish this yesterday, when it was the actual anniversary.  But better late than never.

It has been a bit strange, thinking about all of those huge events that took place in the 1960's, and realizing that they happened half a century ago, through the course of this decade. It began with the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, and then went on from there.

Now, I realize that I was not personally around back then. And growing up, some of the events of the 1960's felt like they had happened an impossibly long time ago, even though I was born less than five years after the 1960's ended. Still, the black and white imagery, and the sheer number of things that occurred, as well as just how monumentally huge some of them were, was a bit overwhelming. They continued to have an impact for many, many years beyond just their immediate times. My parents talked about them regularly, and they were not the only ones. Plus, my grandparent's home in upstate New York, which we as a family lived in for roughly one year, felt a bit like it was trapped in some kind of time warp, where the 1960's sometimes felt like they either were still here, or had just happened. I was still listening to some rock lp's from then, because those were some of the few music albums available there that appealed to me. So, the sixties felt strangely both near and far in my own life, even though I was born well after they ended.

Still, it has been fascinating to see the 50th anniversary of these events and, through them, to relive them, and come to understand their full impact better in that regard.

The 50th anniversary of the Beatles arriving in America was both impressive and a bit humorous to see all of those images. It seemed amazing that two of the members of the Fab Four are still with us, and still touring and making music.

Then, there were the 50th anniversary of the release of certain albums, and seeing how the band progressed so quickly, going from "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" to the more experimental stuff in remarkably short time.

Today marks another 50th anniversary milestone. It was on this day exactly 50 years ago that one of the greatest songs in rock history was first performed. The Beatles first released this great song on this day, half a century ago!

Yes, the album, and the song with the same name, when the Beatles reached their psychedelic peak was released on this day, half a century ago!

Yes, that's right. It has been half a century since the Beatles released what is arguably their best and/or most famous song.

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