Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Greetings From Cheyenne, Wyoming

Good morning! I am writing this from the capital of Wyoming,  a state that I had only previously dreamed of visiting,  before we crossed the state border from Colorado,  about five or so hours ago. Locally,  it was around 10:30pm, give or take.

My son and I had a nice,  uneventful flight from Newark to Denver yesterday,  and we then made it here to Cheyenne later in the evening, also without incident.

It is lightly raining outside right now. It is also an ungodly hour,  just after 3:30 in the morning. A little more than half an hour ago,  I was sleeping when I awoke from a bad dream. Despite hoping to go right back to sleep,  it did not happen.  So, it seemed a good idea to go on my blog and write for a bit.  Other than reading,  it seems the only quiet and productive activity to engage in,  and I could not find my book.

Going all the way to Cheyenne after landing in Denver seemed like a good idea when I was comfortably in New Jersey.  But it began to feel like a bad idea late last night,  during the drive here. Rather typically,  I underestimated how tired I would wind up being after a chaotic day yesterday.

There were complications that caused headaches,  quite literally.  On the plane,  too late to do anything about it,  I suddenly remembered that I had not yet called my bank or credit card companies to inform them that I would be traveling far away. This was the third time out of the three recent western trips that I forgot,  and it causes some nuisances,  to be sure.

Indeed,  it created problems with the car rental place, and the customer service for each was closed at that late hour.  Of course it was.  Eventually,  though,  I was able to get a rental car.

By then,  I had a headache.  Initially,  I assumed that it was the pressure of the stressful day catching up with me. There had been a bunch of things that needed to be done before leaving.  I did manage to get them done,  but it made for no small amount of stress.

Then, of course,  there was the rushed drive to the airport,  because all of those tasks had caused time to be to tight for comfort. But we made it through,  checking in our bags and then going through security. Despite the annoyances and the stress that they caused,  we got to our flight in plenty of time.

It felt a lot better once we made it to Denver,  and especially once we obtained the rental car. But while driving,  that headache started to feel like too much,  and I realized that I had not eaten in a long time. My son was hungry,  too. And so we stopped at Army's. It was probably my first time there since they began their "We've got the meats advertisement campaign,  which apparently has been a huge success for them.

Afterwards,  I did feel better.  But even though by then, we were not far from Fort Collins,  and not even that far from Cheyenne,  my fatigue began to grow.  Naturally,  my headache came back,  too.

By then,  however, there was nothing to do but get there already. To reach our destination,  which was,  of course,  the hotel. We finally arrived just before 11pm.

My son briefly made one of his videos.  I prepared for sleep. But I made sure to take some aspirin,  first.

Got maybe close to four hours,  but then unaccountable awoke and could not get back to sleep again.

And so, here I am,  writing this. It is now 4:30 in the morning.  But I feel a lot better,  having gotten the chance to write and do something productive while unable to catch more zzz's. At least my son seems to be getting a good amount of restraint.

Today,  we will be doing a lot of driving  - far more than yesterday. We will be heading towards our main destination for this trip: Yellowstone National Park.

Meanwhile,  I will go get my book. While writing this,  I remembered that it is still in the car. If sleep still does not come  - and right now I am feeling quite awake  - then that could be a good and productive use of my time during these still odd hours.

There have not been many chances yet to take some decent pictures. That is likely to change today, when we have our first full day out West.  Annoyingly,  however,  my girlfriend's digital camera is one of the things that I forgot to bring. Will have to make do with my camera cellphone.

Hope all is well for you reading this now,  and as always,  thanks for reading!

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