Friday, October 26, 2018

Short News Clips for October 26, 2018

No one likes to accept blame for when things go wrong, but sometimes, the adult thing to do is to take some responsibility.

Of course, everyone knows that Donald Trump does not like to take responsibility for anything, unless he gets credit for something that he believes has gone right. But when things go wrong, Trump always, always, always points the finger of blame elsewhere. it is always someone else's fault, never his. He has and will throw almost anyone and everyone under the bus in order to avoid shouldering any of the blame himself.

Already, in case his party loses control in Congress during the upcoming election, Trump has a ready made excuse for why, if that happens, it is not his fault.

I believe that I have already written and published something about this, but it bears repeating: we have a man sitting in the Oval Office who avoids responsibility like the plague, and he is willing to throw his entire political party under the bus before he accepts any blame for the causes behind his party potentially losing. Here, specifically, was the question and answer sessions where Trump essentially dodges any responsibility if the upcoming election does not go so favorably:

AP: So my question is, if Republicans were to lose control of the House on November 6th — or a couple of days later depending on how long it takes to count the votes — do you believe you bear some responsibility for that?

Trump: No, I think I'm helping people. Look, I'm 48 and 1 in the primaries, and actually it's much higher than that because I endorsed a lot of people that were successful that people don't even talk about.

Here is the clip regarding this story, as well as the source of the above used question and answer that reveals Trump's unwillingness to take any of the blame for people being unhappy with the way that things have gone in this country:

Donald Trump is getting ready to throw Republicans under the bus Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large, October 17, 2018

Trump is a disgusting man, in just about every way. He lies incessantly, and even fellow Republicans and FOX News do not even really deny this. More on this particular habit of the sitting president in the next section, with a former member of Trump's own cabinet.

But Trump is disgusting in many other ways, as well. He is a racist man, a classicist who looks down on people he considers less successful than him, who he calls "losers." He does not seem to respect women very much, either, and acts in a way that would make men from the Mad Men era proud. In fact, many of his personal views would be far more timely and appropriate were they voiced sixty or so years ago, because they simply have no place in the world of 2018.

Trump is disgusting for many reasons, but perhaps the most sickening is the code language that he uses, and is able to manipulate his willing masses. And one of the most consistent ways in which he has done that is in his willingness, even eagerness, to promote violence among his sheep-like followers. He urges them to basically "kick some ass," and glorifying the "old times" when protesters would have gotten physically hurt or even killed. Then, he tries to put on a kinder, softer face before the public, and denies ever inciting violence, even going so far as to condemn those on the left for allegedly condoning violence.

It's funny, because he also accuses his opponents for being too soft, overly sensitive snowflakes, which does not go with his own portrayal of them as violent, mindless brutes. Which one is it? Are we who oppose him violent criminals, or overly sensitive, soft snowflakes?

Anyway, yes, Trump flips back and forth, in typical fashion. He is a disgusting man, and this is probably the worst, most flagrant way in which this is so. The following article (see link below) reveals the extent to which he flips on this issue conveniently, always inciting the passionate reaction from his sheepish supporters, who hang on his every word, rather pathetically.

Given the recent slate of mail that was targeting political opponents of Donald Trump, his flip-flopping on this issue is cast in a far more sinister light. As I have mentioned before, this man is a very serious threat to democracy, and has shown himself to be a tyrant, and potential dictator. Please take a look at the article below:

Shocking Supercut Shows Trump Encouraging Violence Again And Again And Again by Ed Mazza, 10/25/2018:

This is pretty much spot on.

Trump simply cannot help himself from lying incessantly. Even his political allies agree with that, although they hardly seem troubled by this trend.

Funny how that works, eh?

Here is a former member of the Trump administration, Anthony Scaramucci, outright admitting that Trump seems to enjoy lying, and does it frequently. Please take a look at this clip, and keep in mind that this is a man who Trump himself hired, and who is on Trump's side politically:

Anthony Scaramucci: I think Trump likes lying by CNN,

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