Monday, April 13, 2020

Biden Apparently Proudly Declares That He Would Veto ‘Medicare for All’

Joe Biden seems on his way to securing the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Already, people are referring to him as the "presumptive Democratic nominee," even though that will not become official until at least the summertime.

Many people, particularly progressives, are angry at this, since Biden seems like a very pro-corporate, establishment Democrat.

One area where Biden has really seemed to go out of his way to reinforce this image of being a pro-corporate puppet is healthcare. In recent weeks, he claimed that "Medicare for All" would not have helped Americans during this coronavirus crisis. He also has said in the past that "Medicare for All" would be an insult to his dead son. Yes, tens of millions of Americans actually being able to access decent healthcare cannot happen because Biden figures that his dead son might have been insulted, instead of happy that others might not have to share his fate.

It is not just that Biden is not excited, or perhaps has some skepticism towards "Medicare for All." It is that he actively opposes it. In fact, he has said that he would go so far as to veto a MFA bill if one comes to his desk, should he win the Oval Office.

Yet, despite all of that, Biden has basically won the Democratic primary, and many of his backers are excited. Many, in fact, wonder why the rest of us cannot get excited about it. Some are truly perplexed about our collective iukewarm - at best - reception of Biden as the Democratic nominee. Really?

This is something that I simply do not understand, since a majority of polls in state after state reveal that healthcare is the primary concern among voters in the Democratic primaries. Clearly, our healthcare system is failing, yet Democrats keep turning to "more of the same" establishment candidates like Biden, who want to preserve the "for profit" healthcare system that we have had in this country for decades, and which has been failing us ever since it was established.

One such example of this, and right on time for the coronavirus!

No word if he would try and make any kind of cuts to the overly bloated budget that gets sucked up by the military industrial complex. Then again, he keeps voting for the wars that the United States keeps dragging itself into, so how can we count on him to see any reason in this regard?

This is a man who epitomizes being a career politician, a Washington insider with a false sense of entitlement. One who shamelessly takes big corporate sponsor funds and then champions their political desires. He might tinker with Obamacare, perhaps restoring it, and perhaps even making some minor tweaks.  But healthcare would remain a polarizing issue that, in typical fashion, would continue to be too costly for tens of millions of Americans. He has the same half-assed approach towards climate change. The racial tensions, which have become one of the front and center issues within this country in recent years and decades, would likely be another weak area. Biden will not manage to allay the polarization of the country, since his solution is the same tried and tested (and continually failing the test) taken of trying to relentlessly concede to Republicans, which he defines as "reaching across the aisle." He went as far as to suggest that he would seriously consider picking a Republican running mate. Biden would definitely not tackle the major issue that limits the country, which is corporate supremacy itself, since he embodies it, and will not provide any serious, meaningful change.

Joe Biden is just more of the same. Politics as usual, in an age when Americans have clearly grown incredibly tired of politics as usual, and which is routinely getting exposed, and sickening (apparently, literally) the American people.

Below is the link to the article that got me on this topic, and which expands on Biden's claims that he would veto "Medicare for All."

Biden suggests he would veto ‘Medicare for All’ over its price tag by Tucker Higgins, March 10 2020:

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