Friday, April 24, 2020

Mindlessness & Arrogance Maybe Should Get It's Own Country Without a Civil War

Yesterday, I mentioned how the mayor of Las Vegas, Carolyn Goodman, was grilled during a television interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, and how a strong majority of Americans are opposed to seeing the country opened up too soon, for fear of sparking a second wave of the coronavirus.  

Of course, in recent weeks, we have seen news stories from various parts of the country – albeit mostly, but not exclusively, red states with a lot of Trump supporters – where protesters have gathered to try and express their displeasure at the Covid-19 lockdown, and demanding that businesses be reopened. Some of them complained that they wanted the right to go back to barbers and hairdressers and nail salons, among other things. Many of these people implied that they were being oppressed, and they are sick and tired of it.  

There is one thing that a Facebook friend posted in regards to this which resonated with me. He posted a now already fairly infamous picture of a bunch of protesters who resembled zombies, frankly, gathered at a window and looking angry, like a mindless mob. The post stated that they were not being oppressed, but merely inconvenienced, and that they should really learn the difference.  

Just in case you have not seen the picture yet, here it is:

Yes, that seems very true to me. They, like people all around this country, and like people all around the world, are being inconvenienced by the Covid-19 shutdown. Indeed, there is a huge difference between that, and being actively oppressed. Jews were oppressed by the Nazi regime in Germany during World War II, forced to lose their rights and to live in crowded ghettos, and then taken against their will to camps, either to work as forced labor, or to be killed, or sometimes even both, in time. Or in the old Soviet Union, when anyone labeled as an “enemy of the state” (a term that Trump himself, as well as his mindless supporters, apparently likes using) was sent off to the Gulags in the frigid realms of Siberia. Or Chinese under Mao, or later, Cambodians who were forced to work the fields under the Khmer Rouge regime. In both of those countries, it is estimated that millions died, and almost everyone lost their rights, and just tried to focus on literal survival. That is oppression, and it is not a game, not something to be taken lightly, or to be trifled with.  

Personally, I am tired of these whiny brats who claim that hey are being oppressed or persecuted. Tired of these privileged idiots who seem indeed to take being inconvenienced, or to have their traditional right to themselves oppress others curbed, who then loudly whine and moan about how unfairly they are being treated. Whether it’s the so-called “War on Christmas” or claims that any attempt at making our “for profit” healthcare system more affordable and accessible to everyone, or now, that the coronavirus lockdown is inconveniencing people, this overblown reaction is ridiculous and even laughable. Truth be told, these people are basically morons who take themselves for heroes, simply because they cry and complain like the whiny melting snowflakes that they prove themselves to be time and time again.  

Am I alone in that assessment?  

Hardly, as a recent poll shows that only 10 percent of Americans actually support these protesters and their claims to being oppressed, and demanding that the country be reopened for business even before their own beloved leaders apparently feels would be responsible.  

Once again, I feel forced to ask this simple but apparently unanswerable question: what the hell has happened to this country? Where exactly did we go wrong?  

Personally, I have some theories. But this false sense of entitlement and apparent belief of ownership of the entire country by these whining crybabies is not only counterproductive, and probably now actively dangerous because they are ignoring all of the advice of medical experts, but it also is making the United States the laughing stock around the world.  

It has gotten pathetic. Sometimes, I think that maybe Barry Goldwater was right, and that part of this country should break off. Either let northeastern states, as well as West Coast states, and perhaps some others, like Illinois and Colorado and Hawaii, break free, perhaps form their own country. Or allow a second Confederate States, expanded to much of the Midwestern states and other interior states, to join, since they seem to want that so damn badly.

That might sound extreme, and indeed, it is. But I am beginning to suspect that this whole thing is not going to end without some serious bloodshed. Apparently, a third of Americans now expect a second civil war. And it they want Donald Trump and that kind of bullcrap that badly, maybe it is time to let them have it, and see how well that works for them. But let's not let them take literally the rest of the country down with them. Let the rest of us live in a more civilized nation, even if that means two different nations. Screw it already!

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