Thursday, April 16, 2020

Covid-19 Crisis is Revealing An Insane Side Within America For All the World to See

Here we are, more than one month since the Covid-19 crisis truly began to hit Americans fill on. Yes, it has been a month since three things happened on the same day, from which point the coronavirus crisis became front and center on all the news feed. Those three things were as follows:

1. The first confirmed celebrity to test positive for coronavirus, which was Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson.

2. The National Basketball Association suspended the remainder of the season. 

3. Trump gave a relatively rare, nationally televised speech, in which he finally, for the first time, seemed to take the coronavirus seriously, and suspended all travel to Europe (the White House team then had to clarify what exactly he meant by that). 

Prior to that point, Trump had largely ignored warnings about how serious the coronavirus crisis could be. He assured Americans that it was not a big deal, and relentlessly attempted to minimize the threat to Americans. He even predicted that the number of cases would soon go down to zero. 

Since then, Trump has flipped back and forth, going from minimizing it (he still seems to do that from time to time) and advocating for the country to reopen for business. In so doing, he showed just how much power he thinks he has as president, claiming that he, and he alone, can open the country back up for business. Just days ago, he claimed that a president's authority is total. And here he was, mocking people who were concerned about his authoritarian streak, eh? 

Just to prove that he is not kidding around about wanting dictatorial powers, he is now trying to shut down both Houses of Congress in order to push through his nominees to become federal judges.

No, it is not much of an exaggeration to suggest that democracy in the United States is pretty much done. When Trump was first elected, I felt that there was literally no one worse who could become President. Unfortunately, it turns out to be the case, even though I would have loved to be proven wrong. 

Meanwhile, there are Trump supporters (who else?) in Michigan who are tired of the Covid-19 lockdown, and decided that the best way to protest the lockdown was to block the roads to a hospital. That means that they are putting people's lives in danger, from Covid-19 cases, to people who suffered some other kind of medical emergency, from heart attacks or strokes, to some kind of serious accident. How stupid and selfish can you get?

And the entire world is watching. 


I have asked this before, but what in the hell happened to this country?

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