Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trump Believes Only He Can "Reopen" Country & Economy & Wants This Done Quickly, Even While the Coronavirus Crisis Continues

The most recent controversy surrounding Donald Trump is his insistence that he and he alone has the power to re-open the country, and get the economy back open.

Many are questioning that, as well they should. After all, this man undermined the seriousness of the Covid-19 crisis, and then, in typical fashion, has lied and given misleading information as part of his official response to the crisis. 

He also continued to undermine the crisis, seeming only to concern himself with the economic crisis, particularly with the stock market numbers, which he clearly seemed far more alarmed by then the coronavirus crisis itself. Many Republicans clearly seem to agree. For a while, there almost seemed to be an unofficial campaign urging at least senior citizens - who many consider the most vulnerable to the virus - to go back to work and, if it comes to it, to sacrifce themselves for the good of the American economy. And to make shareholders, executives and CEO's happy, and the all-important stock market numbers bounce back. 

And so Trump has received considerable - and much deserved - criticism for his handling of this crisis. While weeks ago, his poll numbers were the strongest ever, and a serious majority of 60 percent approved of his handling of the coronavirus crisis, those numbers have slipped since. Once again - not to sound like a broken record, but in typical Trump fashion - Trump has responded with moments of glaring stupidity and pettiness. This is a man with notoriously thin, orange skin, after all. So he has flipped out on reporters on a very public stage, and attacked anyone who has dared to criticize him. This is the leadership that we have during the biggest crisis that the country, and indeed the entire world, has faced since the end of World War II. Then, we wonder as a country why we are not respected, much less looked up to, as a country? Who in the world, other than the most brainwashed Trump fans, would consider his handling of this crisis anything remotely resembling a success? No one outside of American borders is looking towards the White House leadership inside for any guidance, or even anything remotely revealing or truthful regarding this crisis.

Yes, Trump being in the White House, and his embarrassing handling of this crisis, has become yet just the latest example of how much we as a country have fallen.

In a particularly humorous "A Closer Look" from home, Seth Meyers analyzes the recent weeks, and calls Trump out on his idiocy, as well as his team. He takes a very funny swipe at Rudy Giuliani. This video is funny almost from beginning to end, and I recommend watching it in full, right even to the end. Please take a look below:

Trump Looks to "Reopen" Economy After NYT Coronavirus Bombshell: A Closer Look

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