Monday, January 4, 2021

Let's Remember That Trump Told Supporters 'You'll Never See Me Again' If He Lost To Biden. It's High Time He Makes Good On That.

Months before Trump lost this past presidential election, he told is supporters that in the event that he would lose the election, they could expect not to see much of him anymore.

Specifically, he told them:

"You'll never see me again."

Now, of course, we all know that Donald Trump is far from reliable and trustworthy. He has an extensive, well-documented, and undeniable (at least if you have an ounce of objectivity) history of lying, lying, and lying some more. So, it cannot be said with absolute certainty that he would be true to his words, for once, and that we will never see him again, now that he has lost the election. In fact, he is positioning himself, rather predictably, as the continued face and voice and power pulling the strings behind the scenes of the Republican party already.

Still, we can hope. After all, there was that week and change following the election, when Trump was blissfully silent, and made no public appearances. For someone who had foolishly and very prematurely declared victory the night of the election, and promised to take the fight to the Supreme Court (an action which gave every indication that he already knew that, in fact, he lost), he suddenly rather uncharacteristically, seemed to have some semblance of humility about him. Never before had we seen him go so quiet for such a relatively extended period of time. A few tweets here and there, but nothing like the ridiculous storm of tweets that regularly comes from this pathetic, transparently needy man. And no public appearances, at least not for that first week.

Since then, of course, he has gone farther than anyone else in history to try and contest the results of what sure appears to have been free and fair elections. What makes me so sure that they were free and fair? Well, if they were not, Trump and his entourage of idiots would have raised hell like nothing we have ever seen before, bringing facts to the courts, and outright challenging the results, rather than merely bringing up a few isolated cases while under oath, then going out in public, when not under oath, and alleging massive election fraud on an unprecedented level. Frankly, you have to be quite gullible to believe in the Trump hype at this point, after one defeat after another with each of his absurd challenges. 

Yet, just this past weekend, I spoke with a coworker who seemed to have faith in Trump, and believed pretty much every argument that Trump puts forward. He was looking forward to January 6th, which he was sure was going to be the day when "something big" is going to happen, and reveal truths that will convince most Americans that Trump should remain in office. He talked about the possibility of martial law, and I reminded him that never before in this nation's history had martial law been imposed literally across the country, in all 50 states. There had been regional, limited instances of martial law, but never the entire nation. He smiled and nodded, but still seemed to believe it to be an option.

Ultimately, he said, he believed that Trump would win. I reminded him that the election ended just shy of two full months ago, and that all of the evidence pointed to one conclusion: Trump lost. I also told him that it was good that Biden reminded the entire country that no course of action was denied to Trump. He demanded recounts and got them. He requested that the count be stopped. He made his case in courts. He appealed to members of Congress, and made all sorts of baseless claims. Yes, Trump did everything that he could to make it seem like he won, and he challenged in every way that he could. But he failed. None of the recounts went his way, and the court cases were clearly not about the "massive voter fraud" that Trump continues to allege.

Now, the latest headlines show something even more outrageous, even by Trump standards. On a recorded call, Trump outright said something that he and his supporters accused the Biden team of doing, which is "finding votes." Here, specifically, is what he said:

"I just want to find 11,780 votes."

Yes, that's right. Trump simply wants the powers that be in Georgia to "find" almost 12,000 votes nearly two months after the election. Does this sound like a legitimate winner to you? To me, this sounds like a real loser. It also sounds exactly like the scam artist that many, many people - myself included - have accused him of being. In fact, he sounds more like a con artist than ever before.

It seemed to me that Trump was doing everything possible to stretch out the agony of losing this election for all of his supporters. I went ahead and told him that it would be better for them, and certainly for the country, if they simply accepted losing.

One common theme that he mentioned was that no president had ever been treated so unfairly, or had to endure so much criticism, and even hatred. I responded that the level of disrespect that this particular president received was exactly mirrored by the level of respect that he treated others with. In other words, he brings a lot of that upon himself. Also, I reminded him that if he is so despised, then it should not be so difficult to believe that he would lose the election as badly as he did. He retorted that he mentioned only the media hating him, and not the popular vote. 


Still, despite all of this, this coworker was convinced that Trump would pull something out of his hat. He kept going over and over the various scenarios which could see Trump stay in office. Towards the end, I asked him a question: what do you think the chances are that Trump will still be in the White House on the morning of January 21st?

He bounced some high numbers and chances around, including one that seemed incredibly close to resembling one hundred percent, before he settled on 75 percent.

In answer, I told him that I suspected that the chance that Trump would still be in office on the morning of January 20th to be exactly zero. Trump can say whatever he wants, I reminded him. It does not matter what he does between now and January 20th, because on that day, I promised him that Joe Biden would take the oath and become the 46th President of the United States. However, he was not dissuaded, and still believed that Trump would remain in the Oval Office.

We shall see who is right in the end, though, won't we?

Here are the links to the two articles I used in writing this particular blog entry:

'I just want to find 11,780 votes': In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor. by Amy Gardner, January 3, 2021:

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