Thursday, January 21, 2021

First Full Day of Biden Presidency: Let’s End the Honeymoon & Put Pressure on Biden To Fulfill Promises

Today is the first day of the new Joe Biden presidency. Most Americans seem to feel relieved that Trump is now gone. He left the White House yesterday at eight in the morning, well before the inaugural festivities got underway. He becomes the first president in well over a century to make a point of not attending the inauguration of the one who replaces him. Yes, it was immature and petty, and just like everything that this man has done, it was meant to delegitimize Biden’s presidency. By now, of course, relatively few people care what Trump has to say or do anymore. Oh, he has his supporters, but his four years in office proved to be too much even for most Americans, far too many of whom are addicted to what passes for entertainment.  

After all, that was the excuse that I heard repeatedly among Trump supporters who, at least at first, did not want to admit to being part of Cult 45. When asked why they voted for him, some of them whom I spoke to four years ago said that at least he would be entertaining. Frankly, I never found the man to be entertaining at all. He has no sense of humor, and takes himself far too seriously, with his absurdly inflated, ridiculous, obviously fragile ego. But I guess some people found him entertaining, and my suspicion is that, on some level, many Americans voted for and supported him precisely because he was apparently entertaining. The fact that he was ruining the country and it’s democracy either never seemed to enter into their thinking or, what would be infinitely worse, never seemed to matter much to them in the first place.  

Truth be told, I believe that Trump not being there was probably a good thing. He has never been a team player. How could he be, when he is and always has been all about himself? My own suspicion is that, in typical fashion, he would not be able to resist some kind of slight or something to undermine the legitimacy of the proceedings. To me, he was truly a Fake President, and the graceless way that he exited was predictable and, frankly, symbolic. He never was worthy of the office that he held, and now that he is gone, he should stay away, beginning with the inauguration yesterday, and most likely, all future inaugurations. Hopefully, he left the White House for good, literally and figuratively, when he physically left yesterday. Let Florida have him, let him stay down there.  

According to Biden, Trump left him a letter in the Oval Office. However, he refuses to release the details of that letter before he has a chance to speak to Trump about it. Your guess is as good as mine about what is said in that letter. With Trump, you just never know.  

Allegedly, he wants to start his own political party. It would be called the Patriot Party. That is a bit of a surprise, because I had seriously assumed that he would call it the Trump Party. A man who puts his name up high on illuminated signs atop skyscrapers dominating our cities, and who also puts his name in front of every possible business venture (scams) that he can think of would have a hard time not trying to credit himself with a new party that is his own creation. Like everything else with this scam artist, my guess is that this new party will be promising to supporters, but will turn out to be a mere money making scheme. It will not grow beyond his immediate base, because they have no intention of trying to reach out and welcome others. He will likely ask for money, claim that it is urgent to fight what he claims will be the good fight, but that he will then use those funds to try and pay off his personal debts. He will tell his supporters that he did nothing wrong, of course, and that he is being persecuted unfairly because the “Fake News” and the powers that be are just trying to get him. And they will believe him. If they still do not have doubts now, after four years of all the bullshit that we have seen with this pathetic, needy man, then they will never have any doubts.  

Good riddance to bad rubbish.  

Joe Biden is now the one who is in charge.  

Yes, there is a honeymoon period. He is receiving a lot of love on social media websites. Everyone is raving about the performers yesterday. Lady Gaga singing, and the young Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman, all had people raving. Then last night, there were dramatic fireworks over Washington.  

All very nice.  

But let us not just get lulled back to figurative sleep. Tis country has serious problems, and quite frankly, Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of a lot of them. Biden was instrumental in to creating the absurd, for profit prison system, which has led to the United States have the dubious distinction of having more people behind bars - here in the self-proclaimed “land of the free” – than any other country. Not unrelated, Biden still opposes marijuana legalization. Biden has stated outright that he would veto any kind of Medicare for All bill that came to his desk in the Oval Office. Biden supported the Iraq invasion. And he sure did not speak out against some of the abuses of the Obama administration that he was obviously a huge part of, such as drone strikes, or the indefinite detention bill that effectively gets rid of habeas corpus, which is supposed to be protected by the Constitution.  

True, Biden is getting the United States back into the Paris Accord. For that, I applaud him. He signed a lot of executive orders yesterday, and they felt like a good start. Many of them repudiated some of the worst excesses of the Trump years. And let’s face it: it is not only a solid statement, but it gets this stuff out of the way immediately, while he is still brad new, and while there is this honeymoon period.

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