Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brief News Bits on President Trump

Yes, I want to keep these short today, because I am tired of covering this lowlife who has been elected as our president. He is a pathetic man, and perhaps the only thing more pathetic than his incessant lying, race-baiting, and active polarization of the nation, are those tens of millions of people who remain his loyal supporter, and who apparently adamantly refuse to acknowledge that this very flawed and, frankly, sick man is less than absolutely perfect.  

So, yes, I am keeping this brief. Here are a couple of recent stories on the Trump front (I did not initially intend to make that sound like a racist front group, but since the shoe fits with this man and so many of his supporters, I decided to keep it):  

Trump’s Border Patrol Chief Admits to Being in Racist Facebook Group  

What a shocker, huh?  

Donald Trump once claimed not to have a racist bone in his body, and has said in the past that you will never meet someone less racist than him.  

Besides not really meaning much of anything, it is simply not true. And besides, there are all of those episodes where he betrayed racist sentiments. From the Central Park Five incident decades ago, to singling out Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, to ushering in a new confidence among white supremacist groups that enthusiastically supported him, to advocating for a national registry of Muslims, to his claim that there were “good people” among the Nazis and outright white supremacists who incited violence in Charlottesville, to labelling dozens of African and Latin American countries as “shithole nations,” to recent suggestions that four non-white Congresswomen should go back to their countries, to his recent, ridiculous feuding with Congressman Elijah Cummings, and his constant, relentless fixation on trying to undo everything that Barack Obama did in the White House, to probably some other incidents with him that I am forgetting, Trump has provided plenty of evidence to contradict his own claims that he is not a racist. Maybe he is just completely lacking in class instead, if that is any better. After all, he also made fun of a disabled reporter, and has attacked decorated war veterans, including his absurd beef with John McCain which he could not even end after McCain died.  

But one thing for sure: Trump’s political rise has ushered in a new era of blatant racism in the country. Hate crimes have spiked, white supremacist groups feel emboldened and make no secret in looking to Trump as their great white hope for the country, and there seems to be a huge spike in simple racist sentiments going around. Look at how many white supremacists seem to take up arms and go crazy, initiating mass shootings, sometimes apparently in delusional hopes of beginning some kind of a race war.  

So, is it really a shock that we find that high-ranking members of Trump’s team seem to have ties to racist groups?  

Indeed, Carla Provost, Trump’s Border Patrol Chief, recently admitted to being a part of a racist online group. Here is the link to the story:  

Trump’s Border Patrol Chief Was In Secret, Racist Facebook Group by the Associated Press, 07/25/2019:

Trump Claims He Helped First Responders Clear Rubble at Ground Zero

The other bit of Trump news is yet another piece of evidence about his incessant lying. The man just simply seems to be allergic to telling the truth, and tells these unbelievable whoppers to try and change the mythology surrounding him.  

The most recent obvious, blatant lie was Trump claiming that he was at Ground Zero shortly after the 9/11 attacks. He apparently is trying to get everyone to believe that he was there with the first responders, trying to clear rubble.  

Here, specifically, is what he said:

"I was down there also, but I'm not considering myself a first responder," Trump said. "But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you."

You just know that if this were true, Trump would have been bragging about it for years and years. Instead, on the day itself, apparently Trump bragged that he now had the tallest building in Manhattan, which also happened not to be true.  

How low can you get?

So, what was Trump actually doing on September 11, 2001?  

One thing he was doing was getting on the phone with WWOR's Alan Marcus to talk about the attacks and their aftermath. It was in that interview that Trump said this about a property -- 40 Wall Street -- that he owned:  

"40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest—and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest. And now it's the tallest."     

You'll never believe what Donald Trump just said about 9/11 by Chris Cillizza, Mon July 29, 2019:


Trump Defends Using Illegal Immigrants on NJ Golf Clubs & Claims "Every Club" Did Same

Finally, one last story about Trump.

This one is about a well-known story long before Trump ever even ran for the White House. 

For all of his tough talk about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, and for all of his trashing illegal immigrants who came into the country and, according to him, took good jobs from Americans, that did not stop him from hiring unauthorized immigrants from working at his New Jersey golf club. He used to deny this, now he has shifted gears, and is claiming that “every club” did this. 

And you know what? He just might actually be right about that one. That does not make it right, though, does it? 

Yet one more reason to remember what George Carlin said about golf being an elitist sport, and shame on you if you play it. 

Here is the link to the Trump illegal immigrants hired for his golf course story:

Trump on reports of unauthorized immigrants working at his N.J. golf club. ‘Every club’ did this. by Jonathan D. Salant | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com, Jul 5, 2019:


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