Sunday, July 28, 2019

Eminem Fearful as Daughter Starts Dating a Man Raised Eminem's Music (From The Onion)

Again, I am trying to keep it a bit light on the weekends. There is enough bad news around the world going around, and we all need a bit of a break from it every now and then, right? Certain, I need a break from it, even if there is a temptation to keep writing about more serious matters, because the news does not stop on weekends, of course.

However, it seemed to me appropriate to have another relatively lighthearted post on the weekend, and there is usually no better way to do that than by looking to The Onion for some material.

Yet, this one does not really have any politics in it, which seems to make it a rare news story indeed these days. Yet, this one has humor, and it is not about the Kardashians or some of the other trashy "reality television" stars.

This one is about how Eminem is very scared when his daughter starts dating a boy who grew up listening to Eminem's music.

It is an old article, from more than six year ago. Yet, it has aged well, and not lost much in the translation over the span of six years. Plus, it is new to me, and so maybe it will be new to you, as well. Hopefully, anyway.

Too funny!

Eminem Terrified As Daughter Begins Dating Man Raised On His Music 6/27/13 3:55pmSEE MORE: ENTERTAINMENT

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