Sunday, July 7, 2019

Stunned Filmmakers Horrified When They Capture a Starving Polar Bear on Film

Often times, we feel amazed and superior at our own ingenuity and ability to essentially, effectively dominate the planet as thoroughly as we do.

Yet, we are increasingly discovering the cost of such domination. We have taken a bite out of the apple, and given ourselves God-like powers, yet we so obviously lack the wisdom, or at least the sense of responsibility, that should obviously go with those powers, that it is sickening. The world is paying the price for our hubris, and many are horrified when they actually are confronted with evidence of our excesses. 

Still, some are suggesting that there is nothing wrong. That all of what is happening, particularly with the planet's climate changing, shifting climate, would be happening anyway, with or without human activity, even though most of the very people who make this claim will readily admit to not being scientists, and thus being unable to seriously challenge scientists who have studied the data and evidence and concluded that, in fact, human activity is largely responsible for many of the horrors that we are currently seeing. 

But with polar bears, we are seeing the animal that, perhaps more than any other creature, are the visible signs of the sad side of what we are doing, and the impact that it is having. Not long ago, a polar bear found it's way to a Russian city that was very, very far from it's natural habitat. It clearly looked very hungry, and was searching for something to eat.

Below, there is a link to a similar story, where a film crew captured imaged of a starving polar bear:

Filmmakers “Stood There Crying” As They Helplessly Captured A Polar Bear Starving Admin January 31, 2019:

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