Monday, July 22, 2019

Trump Publicly Applauds Himself On Restraint For Not "Winning" War in Afghanistan By Wiping It Off the Face of the Earth in 10 days & Killing 10 Million in the Process

Here's a common pattern with Donald Trump and his presidency: he dramatically raises the stakes and tensions in any given situation, and then he tries to bring things back down again, and applauds himself on defusing a tense situation which, in fact, he himself initiated. 

Case in point, Trump's comments earlier today on Afghanistan.

In case you were not aware or paying attention to it, Trump said that he could, if he wanted, "win" the war on Afghanistan in 10 days.

All it would cost would be 10 million people. Oh, and Afghanistan would be wiped off the world map.

If you are keeping track, this is the third country (North Korea and Iran being the other two) that Trump has threatened with the possibility of wiping it off the map. 

And in his comments, he seems to be applauding himself for his restraint in not turning to this, the most extreme of all measures possible to him. 

No wonder he tried to orchestrate Japanese Prime Minister Abe to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize behind the scenes. I mean, certainly his supporters feel that this man should get this distinguished prize for promoting peace by not giving into the apparent temptation to start a nuclear holocaust. Doesn't every champion of peace and progress in the world sometimes threaten to kill millions of people, or to blow a whole nation off the world map?

What a man. What a president.

It feels like we have entered the Twilight Zone with this ridiculous excuse for a man, and even more pathetic excuse for a "leader."

Just in case you have a hard time believing that Trump actually said this, here are his comments from earlier today, taken from two different news sources (see the links below):

“I don’t want to kill 10 million people. I have plans on Afghanistan that if I wanted to win that war, Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth, it would be gone, it would be over in literally 10 days.” 

“We’re like policemen. We’re not fighting a war. If we wanted to fight a war in Afghanistan and win it, I could win that war in a week. But I don’t want to kill 10 million people. Afghanistan could be wiped off the face of the Earth. I don’t want to go that route.”

Such incredible restraint and poise, eh? And such stability! Boy, he really is a very stable genius, eh?

And just in case you still have a hard time believing that he actually said any of these things, that perhaps the links used in writing this blog entry are simply "fake news," then here is a bit of a video clip of him saying it:

A "very stable genius" and a legitimate Nobel Peace Prize candidate, indeed. He already lowered the bar in terms of standards for the White House here in the United States. Now, he wishes to lower the standards the world over and be recognized for his efforts towards world peace by holding back on the apparent temptation of a mass genocide.

And his supporters wonder why he is hated so much the world over? And Americans, who collectively put him into office (regardless of the popular vote) have a hard time understanding why so much of the world is growing ever more distrustful and resentful of us?

Is it really all that mysterious?

But hey, many Americans elected this circus act, with this clown acting as the ridiculous boss in charge, because of his entertainment value.

So, he plays with fire and threatens a massive, and completely unnecessary genocide. It is not enough to get Americans to pay attention enough to view this man for what he really is: a monster, and the complete opposite of the "very stable genius" that he pretends to be.

But hey, at least he is not boring for his supporters. And in the United States today, that means a lot. Hell, apparently, it means literally everything to enough people that a dangerous megalomaniac like this gets into the most powerful office in the world.

Are you not entertained?

Trump says he could win Afghan war 'in a week … but I don't want to kill 10m' by Julian Borger, 22 Jul 2019:

Trump says he could wipe Afghanistan off face of the earth in 10 days Trump said he doesn’t want millions to die, but mused about wiping out Afghanistan, a country we are supposedly trying to help.  By Alex  Jul 22, 2019:

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