Thursday, July 4, 2019

Trump Receives His Megalomaniac Dream of a Fourth of July Parade

When you think of the worst dictatorships that the world has ever seen throughout history, it almost always evokes imagery of vast military parades with all sorts of modern weapons, and troops marching in lock and step. The times and circumstances certainly may change, but that aspect of it never does. So, whether it was the Soviet Union under Stalin in particular, or if it was Germany during the Nazi years, or Red China under Mao or others, or in modern day North Korea, to name only a few examples, the similarities are almost always there. Maybe the flags and uniforms indeed do differ, but the desire to brag about military power is always, always there.

For a long time, many other nations and people shied away from such ridiculous and exaggerated displays of power. Yet, despite the obvious shallowness and menace of such events, some have never disguised their admiration for such displays and pageantry.

Of course, President Trump is such a man. He never made a secret of his desire to have this kind of a military parade. Indeed, his legendary narcissism have most clear-minded people suspected - with plenty of evidence to justify this suspicion - that this would be a very costly exhibit of his own narcissism, because he would surely make this about himself. 

Of course he would.

Many skeptics - myself included - have warned that this blatantly corrupt man would mark the most serious erosion yet of our seemingly collapsing democracy. And if this winds up being the transition to outright dictatorship, as again, many suspect it might, then who else but Trump could and would bring it about? Perhaps the most symbolic action of the end of a democratic way of government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" being replaced by an elitist government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and for the wealthy would require a strong and constant military display. 

Of course it would.

And only a man interested in this erosion of democracy would either fail to understand that or, worse, understand it all too well, and go on with it anyway. And naturally, Trump kept pursuing this, despite previous setbacks.

Of course he did.

And now, he finally will get his damn military parade, and he will make a big speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, so that he can make this about himself.

Of course he will. 

Much like he has made everything else about himself, and how great he believes himself to be, and how thankful this nation should feel to have him. 

For decades, the presidency has been attaining greater and greater powers. Many warned of the dangers of this, and reminded Americans that this country was founded on a risky and costly war fought precisely to remove the threat of a tyrannical, all-too powerful king doing whatever he wants, regardless of whether or not the people want it. 

And now, we have a tyrant wanna-be, who no longer is satisfied with wanting to be a tyrant, and actually wants to grab more power and more power so that he can have all the power that he desires. How long before he and his loyal supporters simply scrap any pretense of civility and democracy, and "Make America Great Again" by turning it into the de facto dictatorship that it already is starting to become?

Well, this military parade that Trump has wanted so badly, and for so long, is yet one more step closer to that actually being realized. 

Time to unplug this nonsense.

You really want to know how to cut this crap that is killing this nation off? Tune out. Simply refuse to tune in to Trump's big military parade, or the surely ridiculous speech to follow. 

Yes, please do what I intend to do, and simply tune out. Turn off the television and/or radio, particularly when President Trump comes on. He does not represent me or my political views and, frankly, I consider him a national disgrace and an absolute embarrassment and affront to the country.              

And to me, this is not simply a parade that should be regarded as normal, or perhaps the new normal. This is a particularly Trump-like ambition, but it might become a regular thing, like so many other aspects of Trump’s presidency, after Trump himself is gone. We cannot keep giving into every little whiny whim that this frankly pathetic megalomaniac wants or demands. We cannot simply view a military style parade that would not look out of place in the old Soviet Union, or in present-day North Korea, as somehow a normal way to celebrate Independence Day. Trumps has already tried to advertise it, and is claiming that it will be an unprecedented extravaganza, falling just shy of suggesting that this would be must see tv.              

Which is precisely why I intend not to give it so much as a minute. The idea just stinks, and is getting a little too close to dictatorships of the past. It also sure appears to be yet one more gimmick from the ultimate scam artist. Just the latest trick up his sleeve to try and classify certain people (namely, his supporters) as “true Americans,” and those who just are not into this, or into him, as somehow un-American. Remember, this man is a divider, not a unifier. He has no intention of making this all-inclusive. It is, in fact, obscenely exclusive. Just look at how much is being asked for reliable Trump supporters to dish out in order to get the best seats for this event. Like with everything else, Trump is using this to establish some kind of superficial hierarchy with this country, where not too long ago, people actually took seriously, and largely believed in, the idea that no one person had the right to simply look down upon others.              

Certainly, there are more positive messages to try and being the country together on the Fourth of July, right?              

Let us remember that Trump is not America. He does not define the United States, and although he might like to, and would certainly love to convince everyone of this, Trump can never symbolize what is best about the country. In fact, he represents quite the opposite, and brings out the very worst of the country.              

So, please take this suggestion seriously: tune out of Trump’s political parade of the absurd. Trump and his brainwashed mad hatters cannot and will never represent the full richness that the United States can and still does offer. This is a country of well over 300 million people, and whatever it’s flaws, neither one unbelievably narcissistic man, nor his ridiculous and intolerant movement, can ever encompass everything that the United States is, has been, or could become in the future. If you are like me, then you probably have turned away from the American political scene, having long ago abandoned any hope that it might represent the best that the country has to offer or, quite frankly, that it may even be a positive voice or inspiration for the country. In fact, it is the complete opposite at the moment, and this will remain so certainly as long as the megalomaniac and his merry band of imbeciles are on top of the political theater of the absurd.              

Do your patriotic duty, and feel good about tuning out this holiday. Enjoy your backyard barbecue, or take another dive in the ocean or lake or swimming pool, or simply spend some quality time with friends or family. Or, perhaps, enjoy a day off from work, and watch some movies. Try to appreciate some of the more positive aspects that this country has had to offer, and give yourself a break from the stress of the news, which reminds us of the worst, that this country has to offer. Give yourself a break from the depressing circus today!

Trump’s Fourth of July parade: A grandiose vanity photo op by Lynn Sweet  Jul 2, 2019

Trump defends cost of Independence Day event, says it will be ‘very little compared to what it is worth’

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