Friday, July 26, 2019

Yet Another Ridiculous Trump Gaffe

Yet another Trump gaffe?


Is anyone really surprised by this point?


Now, this was too funny.      

Trump made an appearance yesterday, but there was something a little bit stranger about it.              

We all know that Trump takes himself very, very seriously. And of course, he wants his presidency to be taken very, very seriously, as well.              

The only problem is that he acts like a living, breathing parody all of the time. And his administration, which he once described as running like a well-oiled machine, has been instead a pathetic joke. Sure, he denies or ignores this, and tries to convince any and all of how much the administration has accomplished, and how hard he works towards his clearly stated goal to “Make America Great Again.”              

But outside of his most loyal supporters, who are well known to be blind about some obvious flaws regarding their beloved leader, everyone else has seen a chaotic administration that often trips on it’s own badly tied shoelaces. There have been so many firings and forced resignations, that the White House has more closely resembled a revolving door place of employment, rather than the usual extremely prestigious place to be employed.              

Then, there is his ridiculous, over the top praising of himself, and thanking himself for a job well done. Sorry, but whether or not you like him, that just is not anything that normal people do, even egomaniacs of a slightly milder nature. Again, this plays well to those who are apparently not bright enough to see through this turkey, but for most people, it is a huge embarrassment and national disgrace to have such a ridiculous, farcical character representing this nation, being the voice and the literal face of the "Ugly American."

Some aspects of Trump’s idiocy and, frankly, evil, are not laughing matters. He has been rightly regarded as blatantly racist after refusing to criticize Nazis, and referring to numerous Latin American and African countries as “shithole nations.” He has disgraced the nation repeatedly by denying climate change and pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord. He has pulled the country out of numerous other international treaties, and has initiated trade wars against countries around the world, friend and foe alike. He has treated countless people like crap, showing a complete lack of dignity and class, let alone anything resembling a more typical, statesman like posture from an elected world leader. He has betrayed arrogance and ignorance of the law, always assuming that he has far more power than the Constitution actually gives him. He has continually lied to exaggerate his own significance and popularity, including his ridiculous claims of a historically dominant election win in 2016, and the also easily repudiated claims of having a historically large crowd at his inauguration, and his continual, and also easily proven false, claims of having done things that he never did, and claiming that his political enemies are doing horrible things that, in fact, he is far more guilty of than anyone else. 

Trump has also had more than a comical few gaffes, though, of course. He has been called incompetent by some other major figures in the world, and been called an idiot by hand-picked members of his own administration. He has misspoken quite frequently, including numerous spelling errors among his countless, ridiculous tweets. He has been laughed at to his face by other world leaders in an address before the United Nations. There have been numerous times when he has been giving a speech, and he has made little to no sense, either because he becomes incoherent, or he says something so blatantly, laughably stupid, that it makes world news headlines, such as his recent claim that the Continental Army had seized airports in the struggle against the British Empire to help the cause of independence, more than one hundred years before the first airplane would even be invented. 

Well, there was another laughable moment of the Trump presidency yesterday, when Trump made a speech during the Turning Point USA event two days ago. He gave his typical speech, promoting himself shamelessly, as he always does. But what made this so memorable was the altered Presidential Seal, which was proudly displayed while Trump was on stage. 

What was the problem with the seal? Well, there were a few things. Firstly, it had a two-headed eagle, which was a clear shot at Trump’s strange relations with Russia, which apparently helped him get elected in the first place in 2016. Also, the eagle was holding golf clubs in it’s left talon, clearly a shot at Trump’s excessive love of golf, which he of course promised not to have time for if elected to the White House back when he was still merely a candidate. In the other talon, the eagle held a wad of cash. And instead of the Latin “E Pluibus Unum”, the quote above this eagle said: “45 es un titere.” That is Spanish for “45 is a puppet.” 

Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up. 

In typical Trump fashion, the person responsible for this gaffe was quickly fired. Apparently, whoever was responsible had quickly taken this obviously unofficial seal and used it for the event. Also typically, the president was made to look like the fool that most people understand he really is as a result. 

You cannot make this stuff up! What an embarrassment this president is! Let us hope that we learn something from all of this buffonry once this idiot is relegated to the darker corners of past history, and no longer a daily embarrassment and disgrace to the nation. 

This is the way to defeat Trump, I think: by laughing at him, regularly. Knock that unbelievably enormous ego down a few pegs. Hit him where it hurts the most (or second most, after the wallet): his pride. Let him have even more difficulty trying to establish himself as a legitimate leader, let alone a great one. 

What a joke!

Here is an enlarged picture with the two different Trump seals, side by side. One is the official seal, on the right. The one on the left is, frankly, the de facto seal that truly best represents the presidency during these absurd Trump years:

What an embarrassment!

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