Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Trump Tells Group of Young People That, as President, He Can Do Whatever He Wants

So, Trump is trying to brainwash people, and he is clearly especially interested in doing that with impressionable young people who will be wowed by his presidential status. He wants to brainwash them into seriously believing that he can literally do whatever he wants, since he is the president. Of course, he seemed to already possess that same false sense of entitlement before he was elected to the White House. Now, however, it is through the roof!  

He needs to be stopped. And we need to remember that he does not have the right to do whatever he wants. He believes he is an absolute ruler, like the old days in France, just before the Revolution broke out, when France had an absolute monarchy, and the kings did not have to worry about anyone keeping their power in check. Look how well that turned out for them, once their decades, and perhaps even centuries, of irresponsibility finally caught up with them.  

Lest we forget, a large part of what bankrupted France was a war they fought against the British in order to help the American colonies achieve independence. We gained independence because we did not believe that a tyrant thousands of miles away should make decisions about the lives of people literally an ocean away. They were against taxation without representation, and were willing to put everything on the line to fight a revolution and end the king's rule here.  

We should remind each other, as Americans, that we did not merely fight that war against a monarch with delusions of grandeur and a sense of entitlement to make whatever decision he wants without bothering to worry about the impact it has on people's lives, in order to voluntarily submit to a 21st century version of that kind of lazy, cowardly, arrogant and ignorant monarch. The United States got rid of the rule by monarchs nearly two and a half centuries ago, and we need to remind Trump, and anyone else who believes in some kind of absolute, all-powerful ruler, that this is a place that shook up history with "the shot heard around the world" that was the beginning of the end of monarchy here in this country. Let us not merely give all of those principles up now, simply because some arrogant billionaire "reality television" star who somehow got into the highest office - without winning the popular vote - now has delusions of grandeur, and is trying to act as if he already owns that absolute monarchy style of power.  

Again, we fought a revolution and, against all odds, defeated the superpower of that time, in order to set up a new system of government that ended a monarch's ability to do whatever he liked in ruling over us. We set up a Constitution in order to ensure that such abuse of power would never again befall Americans. All of what was not done merely so that some erratic imbecile with a prideful mixture of ignorance (clearly, especially of the Constitution that he swore to uphold) and arrogance could now erase legal traditions that are well over two hundred years old. The Constitutions does not give him the power to do whatever he wants. It was set up to put limits on abuses of power, and he is using this document, and those legal precedents, to try and convince people that, in fact, it gives him the power and privilege to do whatever the hell he wants, even though it clearly, without question, does not.  

We do not have absolute rulers here in America. Let us remind Trump and his ridiculous supporters of that fact, whatever the price. Let us cut him off at the knees now, and make sure that the Constitution that our Founding Fathers literally risked everything in order to achieve still works, and still protects Americans with a solid system of checks and balances. Trump is a joke, but there is a danger with him, because he and his supporters are the only ones who do not see him as a joke. In past history, people laughed at dictators before they gained absolute power and did unbelievable damage. We see the threat. Let us deal with it now, and let us get rid of Trump and Trump wanna be's, before they do irreparable damage to the Constitution, and our way of life overall.

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