Saturday, August 15, 2020

Reporters Increasingly Taking King Con Don To Task

It seems that lately, reporters are finally catching onto the fact that Trump lies, and conducts himself in a manner not at all befitting the prestige of the office that he holds and the country that he is supposed to be representing the best interests of.

By now, almost everyone knows about the disastrous AXIOS interview, where Trump was actually held to task by a reporter who did not back down, and continually asked follow-up questions. In other words, he actually did his job as a reporter. Trump crumpled faster than a mediocre lightweight taking a full blow from an exceptional heavyweight. The interview was not flattering in the least to Trump and his supporters, and so he quickly scrambled back - some might suggest retreated - to the more comfortable confines of FOX News, where he only typically is asked soft and accommodating questions, and allowed to ramble on.

Just days ago during one of the White House briefings on the coronavirus, there was yet another such instance. It really was more of a brief flash, actually. Trump was asked, point blank, if he regrets lying so much.

Trump responded in a predictably shocked manner, and sounded like he had not heard the reporter correctly, surely.

But the reporter, Shirish (S.V.) Dáte of the Huffington Post, asked the question again, asking "President" Trump if he regretted all of the lying that he does.

King Con Don was outraged and clearly offended, and simply refused to acknowledge the question, typically moving onto the next question.

Here is the only transcript of the moment that I could find, and unfortunately, it refers to the journalist as "our hero," which kind of sounds a bit cartoonish to me.

Still, it gets the point of the exchange across, and so it seemed worth posting here. This is from, a site that I admittedly am not familiar with. Here is the transcript of the exchange:

8/13/20 6:03pm Read time: 1 minute  161 comments Hero Reporter Asks Trump, 'Do You Regret All The Lying You've Done?' S.V. Dáte astonished Trump with this question, which frankly, at least five reporters should ask him every single night. By Aliza Worthington  Huffington Post journalist, Shirish (S.V.) Dáte  Huffington Post journalist, Shirish (S.V.) Dáte

In today's "briefing," Mr. Dáte was called on, and asked Trump the following: 

DÁTE: Mr. President, after three-and-a-half years, do you regret at all, all the lying you've done to the American people? On everything? Trump couldn't believe his ears. 

TRUMP: All the what? 

Our hero powered on. 

DÁTE: All the LYING. All the dishonesties.

Again, Trump needed help. To whom could this reporter possibly be referring? 

TRUMP: That who has done?

It was at this point, Trump simply moved onto the next question. But again, someone actually stood up and actually called out Trump to his face for his lying and disinformation campaign. King Con Don and Cult 45 surely will vent their outrage once again.

Nice to see that some people are actually calling him out right to his face, though, and for the entire country - indeed, the entire world - to see. 

Below is the link to the source of this story that I used, and from which I obtained the transcripts that you read above:

Hero Reporter Asks Trump, 'Do You Regret All The Lying You've Done?' S.V. Dáte astonished Trump with this question, which frankly, at least five reporters should ask him every single night. By Aliza Worthington, 8/13/20:

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