Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Chimney Bluffs & Lake Ontario

One of the places that turned up over and over again when I checked on things to do in or around Buffalo and/or Rochester was this place: the Chimney Bluffs.

What are they?

The Chimney Bluffs look almost like a  miniature mountain range, with sharp, stark peaks. Yet, they are made of clay, and thus cannot be climbed. Even approaching the would likely be very difficult and unstable.

As they are right on the banks of Lake Ontario, it is clear that both the waters of the lake, as well as the open wind, had a hand in forming this very unusual landscape. They look like cliffs of rock, but in fact, they are soil, clay. And seeing them with the obviously very large lake, which looks as big as a sea, right next to the bluffs makes this truly spectacular and unique.

They look a bit like an otherworldly landscape. I read someone online comparing it to the landscape in "Planet of the Apes," and that sounds about right.

Certainly, it is a place worth seeing. My son said that it reminded him of the Grand Canyon, in some ways. It reminded me of the Demoiselles Coiffées de Pontis in the French Alps, only those are made of rock, while this is made of clay, and thus softer.

Frankly, these strange soil formations, mixed with the always breathtaking views offered by and of the Great Lakes, made this surely one of the highlights for this year's vacation.

Quite spectacular. Here are some of the pictures that I took during our trip:

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