Saturday, August 22, 2020

One Year Anniversary of the Trip to Poland - Krakow, Średnia Wieś, Solina, Sanok, the Bieszczady, Katowice

Last year, I returned to Poland. Like the first time back in 2013, it was with my girlfriend. Unlike in 2013, this time, I brought my son. It was his first trip to Europe, and I felt so appreciative for being able to bring him there. It had been a dream for a long time.

His first and last taste of Europe were Paris, since we had long layover flights that saw us effectively spending a day and a half in and around the Paris region. Already I posted on the first year anniversary of the first of those days.

Most of the time we spent, however, was in Poland. That included Krakow, Solina, Sanok, a day exploring the rural and mountainous Bieszczady region, and finally, Katowice. But most of it was in my girlfriend's home town of Średnia Wieś, a charming little village on the edge of the Bieszczady region.

It has been a year since that trip, and it seemed like a good idea to post these pictures from that most memorable of our trips here.

Pictures from our return back to Poland last year:

Here are some pictures from the first few days since we arrived in Poland:

Auschwitz - Birkenau


Visited Sanok in 2013 on my previous trip to Poland.

Nice town.  Here are the first set of pictures from the 2019 visit. This is the Skansen museum village:

Sanok as a city, in and of itself without the museum village, has some considerable charm in it's own right.

Here are some pictures from our visit on Friday,  August 16th:

Średnia Wieś

One very old church, dating back hundreds of years. The other one much more recent and spacious.

Sunset Over the San River,  Bieszczady,  Poland



The Inner Bieszczady


Last night was our final night in Poland for this trip.

We were passing right through Katowice, a city in southern Poland that I had long wanted to see.

Time was limited. We really were just passing through on our way to Krakow.

However, we had to get through an unusually long and even sometimes frustrating commute through the Czech Republic without eating, and so Poland generally, and Katowice particularly, started to feel like an increasing desirable destination.

It was not a thorough visit. We drove through, and walked a little bit in the old town. And we ate our final dinner in Poland for this trip at a nice sidewalk cafe.

Here are some pictures of our brief visit to Katowice:

Bonus: Wearing Traditional Polish Folk Outfits

Here are pictures of my son and I dressed up in traditional Polish Folk outfits:

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