Monday, March 1, 2021

New Jersey Finally Legalizes Marijuana


After months and months of trying to iron out all of the details, New Jersey is now one of 14 states on a growing list of states legalizing marijuana. This has been a long process dating back years, and for a while, it looked like it might now happen this time around, either. There were all sorts of missteps and controversies and conditions and such, but finally, lawmakers agreed, and Governor Phil Murphy officially signed three bills into law that officially allow the recreational use of marijuana.  

Governor Murphy had long advocated marijuana legalization, campaigning on it years ago, before he officially ascended to the office that he now holds. To me, this was a major triumph for the state, and most likely, the biggest legislative victory that he has attained, and which will likely go far towards defining his legacy of his governorship, along with his handling of the Covid-19 crisis, which I also feel he did fairly well with.  

It’s about time that the Garden State finally legalized marijuana. After all, a vast majority of voters – about two to one – had voted to legalize marijuana in the November election. Not just medical marijuana. Not just decriminalizing it. But to outright legalize it, to have dispensation centers.  

There were some dividing points and debates, particularly because of concerns regarding how there could be racial disparities in how the legalization is enforced, which centered around the legal age of marijuana, which will be 21.  

New Jersey now becomes the biggest state in terms of population on the East Coast to have legalized marijuana, although New York might not be far behind.  

However, the practical opening up of recreational marijuana will not happen right away. In fact, it is still months away.  

Frankly, it should have been ready by now already. After all, it is not like New Jersey was the pioneering state in this regard. Some countries have done it, like Uruguay and Canada. I believe that it has long been legal in the Netherlands, as well. Closer to home, obviously, Colorado and Washington both did it years ago, and had much of the structure in place now for years. Other states have been added to that list of states where marijuana has been legalized, including a few on the East Coast. So really, this should not have been so difficult, or delayed.  

Still, I am just happy that it has indeed finally been legalized. It should never have been made illegal to begin with. The prohibition was, to me, absurd. After all, it is a completely natural plant, and it had numerous health and environmental benefits that seemed so numerous, that it underscored the absurdity of it being made illegal to begin with. This prohibition was, to me, even less justifiable than the prohibition of alcohol back in the first half of the 20th century.  

It makes sense. Marijuana can be used as paper, and it is far more environmentally friendly than tree-based paper, as it grows four times as fast as traditional paper does. It can be used for clothing, and I actually own a piece of clothing made at least partially by marijuana. And as far as a drug goes, the arguments that it is some kind of gateway drug, that it leads to use of much heavier or more serious drugs, or that it is somehow as addictive, if not more addictive, than so many other drugs is, frankly, utterly absurd. It is not addictive like tobacco or alcohol, much less the most deadly drugs, such as heroine.  

Also, it has health benefits. There is speculation that it may help cure cancer, although it seems that the jury is still out about that. But one thing that it definitely does is ease the pain of people suffering from painful ailments. Frankly, that is not a minor thing, and there is something to be said for the fact that it provides comfort and eases suffering. It can help calm down people with anxiety or in pain, as well.  

Rarely do I take serious pride in my home state of New Jersey, or announce my pride in it. But today is one of those days where I feel proud of my state to finally have gotten legalization done, to have done away with the obstacles. In fact, I cannot remember when I have felt prouder of the state.  

It is not quite a fait accompli just yet, as there are formalities. But the battle aspect is done, and in the not too distant future, yes, recreational marijuana will be available to residents over the age of 21.  

It’s about time.     

Marijuana Is Legal in New Jersey, but Sales Are Months Away by Troy Closson  Feb. 22, 2021:

Legislation signed on Monday decriminalizes the use or possession of up to six ounces of cannabis, ending an era of disproportionate arrests in communities of color.

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