Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Ridiculous Golden Statue of Donald Trump Yet Again Reinforces Cult Status Among Loyal Supporters

By now, almost everyone with regular internet access has likely seen something about a golden statue of Donald Trump that made it’s way to the Conservative Political Action Conference (better known as CPAC).  

It is a tacky caricature of a man who himself is, frankly, a living, breathing, walking, talking caricature. The statue is not an exact likeness. In fact, I imagine that it is meant to be humorous, an “all in good fun” kind of thing.  

Except, of course, that just like the man it is supposed to represent, it is a paradox. After all, it is purported to be made of gold, although it is actually made of fiberglass and painted in gold. Cheap, gilded stuff, just like the real man likes to surround himself with.  

It shows him with a full head of hair, without the trace of the ridiculous, clearly sophisticated comb-over of the real man. The statue shows him with a big smile, and not the typical anger and aristocratic intolerance betraying his false sense of entitlement of the man in real life. It has his trademark long red tie. He is wearing a black suit top, which is actually rather typical.  

However, this statue version of Trump does not wear black pants. In fact, this version of Trump wears no pants at all, which seems fitting. So perhaps there really is something of the real essence of Donald Trump with this statue. Instead of pants, he is wearing what appears to be boxing shorts designed as an American flag. Because nothing says real patriotism like wearing the likeness of the flag over your ass and genitals, right?  

This version of Trump is also holding a fairy tale style magic wand, as if he could make the wishes of his cult following extremists all come true with a simple twist of his wand waving hand. 

This "work of art" not only looks tacky, but frankly, it feels gimmicky. Something that might have been designed by someone quickly and cheaply, plus which sells the idea of something that can nevertheless be denied (in this case, that Trump is worthy of being worshiped). All of this feels actually eerily fitting of the Trump brand and what passes for his poor excuse for a legacy. 

The creator of the statue, one Tommy Zegan, of California. It is a fiberglass version of the real statue, which is made of steel and currently in a warehouse in Tampa, Florida. He just wanted to create a statue of Trump, because according to him, there is an absence of Trump statues, particularly of statues of him portraying him in a positive light. Many of them were of a mocking tone, and Zegan felt that he could do better. He would like for his creation to one day be in the Trump library, and insists that the real statue is museum quality. What in hell kind of poor quality museum would ever display such a piece of crap is a mystery which hopefully will not be answered anytime too soon, unless it is a museum that documents the realities of the Cult 45 following that endangered democracy in America, as a warning against future such worship of a demagogue and snake oil salesman.  

Zegan was adamant that this statue is not to be considered an idol.  

Sure looks the part, though. Quite typically of Trump supporters, there are only denials about this statue, or idol, being yet the latest proof (as if more proof were necessary) that the Cult 45 following of their revered leader Trump is all too real, blind, and dangerous. Other than specifically trying to deny it in words, every action that they take reinforces the legitimacy of the criticism that they garner. I saw one picture of some mindless moron literally kneeling before it in the "I'm not worthy" style. Perhaps it was meant to be a lighthearted joke, or perhaps they will merely claim that it is, simply to deflect criticism that I suspect that they, in fact, know only too well that there is more than a grain of truth to the accusations. So they do what their revered, fearless leader does, and lie about something so obviously true.

Here is an admittedly crude picture that I took of that picture that I saw:

Now, how could anyone mistake this as an idol, and supporters as mindless members of a cult of personality? Or perhaps, a lack of personality in Trump's case.

They just keep drinking that Kool Aid.

It also looks like yet more evidence of the Trump clown show. A ridiculous statue that appears all in good fun, but which not only reinforces the obvious dangers of the cult mentality which seems to be in vogue politically, but also serves as a reminder that Cult 45's worship of King Con Don is hardly a thing of the past, even if he is out of office. Unfortunately, it is all too active yet. And just in case you forgot it for even a second, this absurd statue, and the reverence which it received, serves as yet just the latest reminder.

Below are the links to the two articles I used in writing this particular blog entry, and from which I obtained specific information about the "artist" of this particular "work" that he feels is worthy of a museum, and which he hopes finds it's way to the Donald Trump Library someday. 

Golden Trump statue turns heads at CPAC by Michael Warren, Fri February 26, 2021:

Art Industry News: Artist Says His Golden Sculpture of Trump With a Magic Wand at CPAC Is ‘Definitely Not an Idol’ + Other Stories by Artnet News, March 1, 2021:


  1. OK, FINE, I'll cancel my order! Stop judging me!

  2. On a more serious note, there's a fairly extensive line of toilet-themed products featuring his likeness: toilet paper, urinals and urinal cakes, etc. I think I told you about the time when guys in Dublin were actually lining up to piss on his screaming face. At last, a tribute he's actually earned many times over...

    1. Frankly, I would prefer if he just went away for good at this point. He does far more damage than good, yet he continues to have a loyal following no matter what he does or how low he goes. Just wish he disappeared already. But this freaking statue is exactly the kind of cultish icon that may continue to make this country worse because of his cult of personality. Ridiculous.

  3. Trust me, I can relate to that sentiment. I know it's not exactly noble to root for anybody's demise, but if he were to trip down a lengthy flight of stairs, or contract some illness that permanently kept him out of the public eye, I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken over it. I don't think he'll ever be president again, though I could of course be wrong. That being said, the fact that there continues to be tens of millions of morons who can't get enough of him despite all of the grotesquely indefensible, beyond-the-pale shit that he's pulled is certainly concerning. The statue to me is merely the latest example of his base's mindless, cult-like devotion. Case in point, I saw some asshole in a MAGA hat at Stewart's a few days ago. Of course, Biden is reopening a Trump-era facility near the border in Texas to house minors, which to me serves as a stark reminder (as if any were needed) of why I've grown to loathe and despite the Democratic Party establishment. Tellingly, I haven't heard too many people other than AOC condemn him for it. But I digress. The statue is trivial in the bigger scheme of things. Granted, such idolatry is pathetic and embarrassing. But no one who wasn't a Trump fan beforehand is going to be won over by that statue, and even if Trump had never run for president, the legions of lowlifes who enthusiastically support him would have found some other shameless, emotionally stunted man-child to validate their own deep-rooted insecurities and intellectual laziness.
