Sunday, March 31, 2024

My Worst Easter

Today is Easter. Usually, it is a holiday which I actually like and look forward to each year, despite not being particularly religious. In the past, it has often meant get-togethers with family and/or friends. It was supposed to be like that this year, as well.

However, I woke up at about a quarter to four this morning, and felt incredibly - and overwhelmingly - nauseous. Before long, I rushed to the bathroom, where a day of throwing up and experiencing diarrhea commenced. 

Also, I felt so nauseous, that I did not dare eat anything all day. For quite a few hours, in fact, I did not even dare to drink anything, because it felt like I could not trust myself to keep anything down. This clearly contributed to my feelings of extreme weakness, and feeling lightheaded and wobbly anytime I got up. It was not a fun day. 

At first, I thought it would pass. That I simply had eaten something bad, and that by the time I had to leave for work, I would feel better. But when I had another bout at 6am, I called work and told them that I'd be at least a few hours late. By about 8:30, I outright had to call out.

Right about the same time, I understood that pretty much everything else needed to be canceled, as well. There would be no attending Easter lunch with friends, and no Easter meal, really, of any kind for me. 

As it turns out, despite feeling guilty - as I always do - whenever I call out from work, it was probably a real blessing. The vomiting continued until just before noon. The diarrhea lasted the entire day, as did those feelings of extreme nausea. Also, the weakness. 

Can't even imagine what it would have been like to go in, even for a few hours. My guess is that it would have been pure misery.

My girlfriend kept urging me to call out, because she felt it was not safe to drive in my condition. In fact, I agreed with her assessment. 

All of this pretty much lasted the entire day. I may not have not vomited since just before noon, but I still feel it remains a real possibility. 

It is about 9:30 in the evening as I write this. This is the first time I felt even strong enough to sit in front of my laptop and go online. Probably, it's going to be a relatively short time, because I am not feeling really up to this, even. 

Truth be told, I cannot remember having felt quite this miserable, physically, from the beginning of the day to the end, since I was a kid. At the very least, a teenager, yet still mostly a kid. It was just one of those days, and I am glad that this day in particular is almost behind me now. After all, it just started off miserably, and kept going like that, as well. 

Not a good day. And just about the worst Easter that I can ever remember having or going through in my entire life.

Finally, I first grew a bit ill over two weeks ago. There were points where I felt that I was really getting better, but inevitably, these were followed by setbacks. Today proved to be the biggest setback yet. So far, I have not been able to shake the frankly miserable feelings that I have, physically. 

Very frustrating.

Sorry if this blog entry is a bummer, but this was fairly big news on my end. 

That said, I hope that everyone reading this enjoyed a much better Easter holiday than I managed to do. 


  1. Well first off I'm obviously sorry to hear that you had such a miserable Easter. But there's absolutely no reason for you to feel remotely guilty or apologetic about taking time off. Nausea and diarrhea are reason enough individually to call out sick; the combination of the two all the more so.

    I'm in rough shape as well, which is why I'm typing this at 3:17am. Not dealing with nausea or diarrhea, but I have pain in the back of my neck, my left shoulder and my left arm which is unrelenting and which makes it impossible to get comfortable and relax. I'm barely getting any sleep lately, and called out yesterday despite, like you, really not wanting to do that. But as a wise man – perhaps Confucius – once pointed out, shit happens. So it looks like it's back to physical therapy for me.

    1. Hey, Wow! Sorry to hear all of that. Didn't know that those problems were as severe as they evidently are. How is physical therapy? I always wondered about it. What triggered these pains, anyway? Did it begin recently, or is it a recurring kind of a thing. As for me, I had a bit of a scare earlier, as my chest caused me some discomfort. It was not intense or anything, but I just never had that kind of feeling before, and it was unnevering. Went to the doctor and got an ECG, and everything seems normal. The doctor didn't like the persistent coughing, and gave me something for that. Let's hope it finally takes care of the problem, because this cold, or flu, or whatever it is, has been lingering now for entirely too long. It's been over two weeks, and there are no real signs yet that it's going away, either. Just annoying. So we'll see if this medicine works out, because the last stuff not only seemed not to work well, but it may have caused the vomiting and other issues with my stomach. In any case, hope that you are doing a bit better with your neck and shoulder and arm issues. Talk soon.
