Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Homelessness Crisis & Our Collective Response To This Issue in the United States

Homelessness has almost always been a major issue in our nation's history, at least since the rise of urbanization. 

Yet, it seems like the problem has grown significantly worse in recent years. The start of this was probably the Great Recession in 2009. At least, that was the first time that I remember seeing anything resembling the tent cities during the days of the Great Depression, that I had always read about in history books. These were visible during my train rides (I commuted on the train, back in those days) in the mornings and afternoons, and it always felt like a shock, or a reality check. Suddenly, things felt a whole lot more real.

Well, the housing crisis seemed to abate. But the issue of homelessness nevertheless kept going, and kept growing. This seemed particularly true in warmer weather cities. My son and I saw something similar to the tent cities when we visited New Orlans a few years back. I also hear that they are an enormous issue in certain cities in the West Coast, particularly San Francisco and Los Angeles.

The video below proved to be very informative and enlightening regarding this issue. It not only goes into the problem, but also into the roots of the issue, and our mistaken attitudes and overall approach to homelessness, which focuses more on trying to make the issue go away, rather than dealing with it head on.

Take a look at the video below if you would like to learn more about it:

America's Homelessness Crisis Is Worse Than Ever

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