Monday, March 18, 2024

⚽️ L'équipe de France Unveil New Uniforms For Major International Competitions in 2024 ⚽️


Earlier today, l'équipe de France unveiled the uniforms that they will be wearing while competing in the two major international competitions that they will be participating in: the Olympics (which will be hosted by Paris) and the Euro.

Personally, I rather like them. They are not the dark shade of blue - really, navy blue - which the team has been using in recent years. These are more similar to the uniforms that I grew up watching them wear, back in the eighties and nineties. Now, they are not the same as those uniforms. There are no vintage-styled strips on either the jersey or the shorts, although the away shorts (the blue one) have white pinstripes going from top to bottom. Also, the rooster and the two stars seem to be much more prominent on both the jersey and the shorts than I remember them being.

However, overall, the uniforms look solid. A more traditional, standard shade of blue jerseys, with white shorts and red socks. That was always how I remembered France appearing in the past, and I preferred that look over the attempt to look more sleek, with that dark navy blue (sometimes, it seemed almost to border on black) with lighter blue highlights, and little red in the uniforms. 

Looking forward to seeing the team sport these new uniforms in action later this year!

Football : découvrez les nouveaux maillots des équipes de France pour l'Euro et les Jeux olympiques Article rédigé parfranceinfo: sport France Télévisions - Rédaction Sport Publié le 18/03/2024 10:49 Mis à jour le 18/03/2024:

L'équipementier des équipes de France a présenté lundi la nouvelle collection dont se pareront les sélections nationales françaises lors des futures compétitions en 2024.

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