Thursday, June 11, 2020

Ann Coulter Completely Trashes Trump...Repeatedly

Okay, so admittedly, I almost never really pay attention to what Ann Coulter says or does, and only more rarely actually find myself writing about her. I may have mentioned her once or twice, here or there. By and large, though, there hardly seems a point to follow her too closely. Frankly, there is rarely anything of real interest, much less intelligence or insight, when she speaks. To me, she has always been a part of that blind, knee-jerk version of neocon ideology, and she has always tried to add shock value to what she says, most likely to try and get a rise out of libtards.

Maybe that works for some people. It seems to have worked for her, as she has become a prominent figure in conservative circles. After all, we hear from her and about her quite a bit, which means she is well-known.

Still, that ideology has been hugely influential. It has given us a predominate neoconservative Republican party that has won more prominent elections than it has lost in the past forty years. Beginning with arguably Nixon, and certainly by the time of the so-called "Reagan Revolution" of the 1980's, through the Gingrich revolution of the nineties, to the rise of George W. Bush in 2000, and his fix six years with Republican dominance in Congress and in the Supreme Court, to the rise of the Tea Party in 2010, to the political rise of Donald Trump, who also had a Republican Congress and Supreme Court through his fist two years in office, the Republican deregulation and so-called "free  market" agenda has won, and gained admirers and followers among Democrats.

Yet, during that time when we embraced this economic ideology, few people would argue that the country has gotten better, and more free. There is a lot of finger-pointing as to the reasons why, and Coulter certainly has not shied away from pointing the finger of blame at who she feels is responsible (spoiler alert: it's not her or her neocon way of thinking that she blames). But one way or the other, the turn towards increased privatization and spending cuts against big, intrusive government have somehow coincided with a skyrocketing national debt and enormous budget deficits that have reached record levels. And surprise, surprise: these problems have not really improved under Trump. In fact, he has added many trillions of dollars to the national debt, and dramatically increased the budget deficit, during his nearly four years now in office. Funny, but all of the howling protests by Tea Party conservative types during the Clinton and Obama years in the White House have remained surprisingly silent about budget crises during the Bush and Trump years. Shocker, huh?

But I digress. Back to Coulter.

Apparently, she has become one of the most famous defectors from the Trump bandwagon. Not long ago, she was very pleased at the MAGA movement, and supported Trump, like the good little neocon that she is.

However, all of that somehow began to change recently, when Trump refused to endorse his former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, for Congress. This apparently truly irked Coulter something fierce, to the point that she began to have a very public backlash against Trump.

And here's the surprise: all of those criticisms leveled against Trump that she and many of her supporters so quickly dismissed for years now -  such as his broken promises, his lying, his brutal inhumanity and indifference to anyone else but himself, his general buffoonery, his ridiculous, trademark immaturity and pettiness - are now fueling Coulter's tirades against him. She fired off a series of tweets that took aim at Trump, and they made some news.

Suddenly, Coulter's vision is 20/20 - or perhaps even better - about the nature of the aspects of Trump's personality and supposed leadership that have so troubled his detractors for many years now. Suddenly, she no longer conveniently turns a blind eye, but is all too aware of Trump's faults. Feels he's not a team player, that he is incredibly selfish and narcissistic to a possibly fatal flaw, and almost willing to take down the entire Republican party (and I might argue the entire country, and perhaps the entire world, if he can) down with him.

Well sure. Welcome aboard, Ann. Can't say that I agree with her on much, generally speaking. But in regard to her suddenly crystal clear vision of what is wrong with Trump, she is indeed spot on. And let's face it: is it not kind of enjoyable to watch these conservative idiots continually turn on one another, in an almost predictable way. If it were not all so tragic, it would kind of be funny, no?

Below are some of those tweets, in which Coulter seems to have finally broken with the Trump train. Take a look:

3 years ago, a complete moron of a president told NBC's Lester Holt, "I was going to fire Comey. … [W]hen I decided to just do it I said to myself, I said, 'You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.'" BAM! SPECIAL PROSECUTOR!  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020     

The most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office is trying to lose AND take the Senate with him. Another Roy Moore fiasco so he can blame someone else for his own mess.  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020 

Trump didn't build the wall and never had any intention of doing so. The ONE PERSON in the Trump administration who did anything about immigration was Jeff Session. And this lout attacks him.  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020   

COVID gave Trump a chance to be a decent, compassionate human being (or pretending to be). But he couldn't even do that.  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020   

The media is salivating over the former football coach, Tommy Tuberville (choice of the most disloyal human God ever created, DJT).  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020     

GREAT WORK IN THE LAST ALABAMA SENATE RACE, MR. PRESIDENT! Keep it up and we'll have zero Republican senators. The next Republican president will be elected in the year 4820.  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020     

Sessions HAD to recuse himself, you complete blithering idiot. YOU did not have to go on Lester Holt's show and announce you fired Comey over the Russian investigation. That's what got you a Special Prosecutor.  
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020     

I can't wait to see what the media have in store for the former football coach, Tuberville. This is going to be another Roy Moore catastrophe – also engineered by Trump. #SaveTheSenate 
 — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020     

What an absolute clown act all of this is!

Ann Coulter Turns on ‘Disloyal Actual Retard’ Trump in Twitter Rant by Rosemary Rossi, May 24, 2020:

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