Friday, June 19, 2020

Honoring Juneteenth & It's Symbolic Significance in American History

Just a day or two ago, Trump was asked about Juneteenth. Not surprisingly, the self-identified "very stable genius" had never heard of it.

Of course, that is not exactly a surprise. Trump is the very symbol and almost literal face and voice of the "ugly American" who has grown completely tone deaf to any kind of problems within the United States. That seems particularly true when it comes to America's rather long history of racism and racial violence.

But Trump, while officially the elected president, is not really a leader in the conventional sense. He does not command the respect of a majority of Americans, let alone people around the world. More often than not, he seems like the punchline to some joke that long ago stopped being funny. Frankly, he feels like a dinosaur, with antiquated ideas and solutions to the problems facing the nation, and indeed the world. He feels more like a relic of the nineteenth century way of seeing and doing things, rather than a modern man of the 21st century.

Juneteenth is recognized today, June 19, 2020. It is a state holiday in Texas, as it is the anniversary of General Gordon Granger coming to Galveston, Texas, months after the official end of the Civil War, and proclaiming emancipation to all slaves, who had not been informed that slavery had been officially abolished. The slaves in Galveston were the last official slaves remaining in the Confederacy. 

So today, I honor this holiday, and added something else, also. A link to an article which shows how some 10,000 former Confederate Loyalists fled to Brazil following the end of the Civil War, because slavery was still legal there at that point, and would be for maybe another decade and change or so. The link is at the bottom. 


Meet The Confederados, The Confederate Loyalists Who Fled To Brazil After The Civil War By Morgan Dunn, June 15, 2020:

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