Saturday, June 20, 2020

Belated Happy Birthday to Paul McCartney!!

Paul McCartney’s birthday was just a few days ago, on the 18th. Yet somehow, I forgot to dedicate a blog entry for the occasion, like I usually do.             

So this is my attempt to remedy that.

Paul McCartney

Photo courtesy of RV1864's Flickr page - Paul McCartney:

Today marks the 76th birthday of Paul McCartney, who was born on June 18, 1942 in Liverpool, England.

He went on to have some modest success in his musical career.

Hey Paul, you say it's your birthday?

Here is a clip from a concert that I actually was blessed enough to have attended, and which was like a life dream in music come true. This is a clip of Ringo Starr's 70th birthday concert at Radio City Music Hall, with Paul McCartney making a special guest appearance. McCartney was on base, Ringo was on drums, and it was touted as half of a Beatles reunion. It was as close as I'll ever get to actually having seen The Beatles as a band, and again, I felt extremely privileged to have seen such a thing in person!

And here is the entire concert!


  1. Correction: today marks his 78th birthday, not his 76th. But Happy Birthday to him regardless.

    1. Yes, I forgot to edit from the copy and paste job from last year, when I apparently also forgot to edit from the year before.
