Saturday, June 6, 2020

Father Robert Hendrickson Perfectly Sums Up Absurdity of Trump's Bible Photo Op

It is rare when I see someone take down Donald Trump in a very accurate way that sums up all of his ridiculous paradoxes that expose the fraudulent nature of his character, and his approach to literally seemingly everything.

However, Father Robert Hendrickson, the Rector for Saint Philip's in the Hills Episcopal Church in Tuscon, Arizona, recently did exactly that.

He was blasting Trump's trademark narcissism and shallowness, as seen with the recent photo op that Trump took in Washington, where he held up the Bible in front of St. John's Church in Washington's Lafayette Square. 

Hendrickson expressed all of the absurdities, exposing Trump's egotistical and, frankly, unChristian act for what it is.

Here is what Hendrickson said in a recent tweet, which has gone viral:

Statement from Father Robert Hendrickson, Rector at Saint Philip's in the Hills Episcopal Church in Tucson, AZ:

Robert Hendrickson @FrRHendrickson This is an awful man, waving a book he hasn’t read, in front of a church he doesn’t attend, invoking laws he doesn’t understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference... 
8:52 PM · Jun 1, 2020·Twitter for iPad 29.6K  Retweets 91.6K  Likes

Robert Hendrickson @FrRHendrickson ...exploiting fear and anger he loves to stoke, after failing to address a pandemic he was warned about, and building it all on a bed of constant lies and childish inanity.  This is not partisan. It is simply about recognizing the moral vacuum that is now pretending to lead. 
8:52 PM · Jun 1, 2020·Twitter for iPad

Here is the link to Hendrickson's tweet:


  1. Perfectly said.

  2. Right on the money. Of course, the larger problem isn't even that Trump is the way he is, so much as the fact that his base remains as staggeringly and willfully ignorant as it was in 2016, and that might just be enough to give him another four years. We face an uphill battle in undoing the damage of this "presidency" even if Biden – evidently the very best the Democrats could do – wins, but if Trump wins, the damage will be irreparable. The upcoming election is our Last Chance Saloon.

    1. Exactly. If Trump wins again, then indeed, what some have already projected - the end of the American experiment with democracy - will become the reality. With all of the BS he pulled, if Trump finds himself with another four years, he will show even less restraint and more narcissism. Also, trust me, I am more than a little disappointed in the Democrats picking Biden. Another pathetic election that feels like an insult to our collective intelligence. I mean, seriously! These two creepy clowns - or "happy assholes" as Stephen King sometimes puts it - are the best that this country of 330 million people has to offer?

  3. "Happy assholes" – I like that. Like the French "imbéciles heureux", but even blunter. As for feeling disappointed with the Democrats' pick, I personally am beyond the point where Democrats can still disappoint me, because that would imply that I'd gotten my hopes up in the first place. They're as venal and disingenuous as Republicans, and have been largely complicit in much of what I feel has contributed to this country's sad and steady decline for the past sixty years or so. Frankly, it often feels as though the battle's already essentially been lost. The system of checks and balances implemented by the Founding Fathers to rein in would-be dictators has repeatedly failed, and I'm not holding my breath regarding the possibility that Congress, the Supreme Court or the military are going to succumb to any pangs of conscience any time soon.
