Monday, June 29, 2020

Trump's Job Approval Ratings Tank Once Again

Donald Trump has seemed unusually agitated in recent months, and particularly the last few weeks. Things have not been going well for him just lately. Of course, that also means that things have not been going exceptionally well for the country, either. After all, he was elected to lead the country, for reasons that are frankly difficult to understand for anyone with an ounce of rationality and intelligence.  

But I digress. Yes, Trump was entrusted with the highest office in the land, and things have not been going well. Earlier this year, Trump and his supporters were gloating after he was impeached by the House of Representatives, but then basically was able to get off the hook by the Republican-dominated Senate.  

However, that was only the beginning. At that point, Trump surely must have felt good. He claimed that the Senate had totally exonerated him. That was not really true, of course. And it certainly did not mean that he was not guilty of crimes, or abuse of power, or corruption. But we have gotten used to that kind of nonsensical interpretation of the facts, the distortion of truth by manipulation of facts by this ridiculous caricature of a man, posing as some kind of all-powerful, all-knowing leader.  

Trump’s approval ratings went higher than they had been, as well. He went up to 49 percent approval, and re-election seemed almost assured.  

But if things were looking mostly rosy at that point, then they sure turned very sour, very quickly.  

We all know that it began with the coronavirus. He claimed that it was no big deal, downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic. Infamously, when there were 15 confirmed cases officially in the United States, Trump claimed that the number would quickly go down to close to zero, and that this was indicative of what a great job he and his administration were doing. Obviously, though, it did not go down to zero, or anywhere near zero. In fact, the United States soon climbed higher on higher on the list of countries with confirmed cases, until it became the country with the most confirmed cases, and the most deaths from Covid-19. Since taking that position, the United States has remained atop the list that nobody wants to be on in the first place. And Trump’s mishandling of the crisis has compromised any sense that he knows what he is doing, or how to handle a crisis. The latest ridiculous thing that he said about it was that less testing would lead to less cases of Covid-19. The White House then claimed that he was kidding, but he refuted that, claiming that he does not kid. Then, he just stated that he was merely being sarcastic. So, he was not kidding, but he was just being sarcastic. Right.  

During the pandemic, while hundreds of thousands, and then millions, of people got infected, and then hundreds, then thousands, and now well over one hundred thousand Americans died from coronavirus, Trump was busy bragging about his ratings during his disinformation daily briefings, and more recently, the coverage of his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, even though that did not go so well, with a mostly empty arena. Trump was apparently livid about it, and when he returned back to the White House later that night, he had taken his tie off and looking miserable and spent.  

Of course, that was not the only problem. There was a near financial collapse, as the all-important stock market numbers came crashing down. Since this was pretty much the only thing that he seems to regularly measure his own success as the president with. Finally, that was what got him to have any kind of sense of urgency to do anything.  

Tens of millions of Americans now are out of work, and many of those also lost their health insurance, adding to the already enormous number of tens of millions of Americans who do not have healthcare.  

Needless to say, Americans have come to finally understand that Trump is not really up to the task of being in the highest office in the land. And this lack of belief has now translated to something that will surely really irk Trump personally: his approval ratings. Right now, his approval ratings stand at 40 percent, which is close to the lowest of his presidency. In addition, 49 percent of Americans “strongly disapprove” of the job that he is doing, which is basically half of the country. He finds himself seriously trailing Democrat Joe Biden in the polls, and even though the race is far from finished at this point, the fact of the matter is that these are serious knocks on his sense of being all-popular and hugely successful.  

Plus, his tendency to say and do so many stupid things, and then to be mocked for it, clearly seems to be getting under his thin, orange skin.

For the first time just days ago, during a town hall meeting on FOX News, Trump seemed to finally admit that there were a lot of people who just plain did not like him, to the point that it might cost him a chance at another term. Speaking about Joe Biden, his Democratic rival in the upcoming election, Trump said this:

"And he's going to be your president because some people don't love me, maybe, and you know, all I'm doing is doing my job."

Awwww! Doesn't the unfairness of it all just get you right in the heart? This poor guy, who always complains about just how unfairly life has treated him.  We should all be beaten down by life, the way that he has. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, yet complains more than anyone I know or have ever heard of about how badly he has had it. Yes, he was born to tremendous wealth, and had a life of pure luxury, plus a famous name with a ring to it, and the family business connections. He was able to get out of jams that he found himself in whenever he needed it, because what good is power and wealth if it does not get you out of sticky situations, right? So, when he was called up for duty in Vietnam, he just had to cite "bone spurs," and that was enough to get him out of service. And when he blasted some veterans decades later with war records and horrific stories of their wartime experiences, somehow his power and influence seemed to convince about 35 to 40 percent of the population that he was making some kind of valid point. For that matter, every time that he has made utterly ridiculous - and often downright disgusting - "jokes" or comments filled with hate towards other people, again there was that reliable 35 to 40 percent of the people who thought that he was a daring genius just telling it like it is. Trump even recognized and bragged about this, claiming that he could shoot someone on a crowded Manhattan street in broad daylight, and still his supporters would stay loyal.

Trump has consistently gotten away with horrendous behavior, even criminal behavior, because of his famous name, and the impression that he tries to build of himself as some sort of business genius, even though he declared bankruptcy more than anyone I know and has had more businesses fail than anyone I have ever heard of. This, he assured the American public, is what he could and would do for the country. A bunch of scams that he mastered and sold people on, and now, we have had four years of a snake oil salesman trying to con us. Most people around the world, and even a majority of Americans, were able to more or less see through the scam, and clearly see the lies and smoke and mirrors that it this guy's entire act for what it is.

But then, there is that stubborn 35 to 40 percent, who support him no matter what. They even say as much. I heard some joking about what it would take for them to no longer support Trump. One former classmate and passionate Trump supporter joked on Facebook the other day that the only thing that would prevent him from supporting Trump is if he had a passionate love affair with Nancy Pelosi. I guess that is what passes for wit among Trump supporters.

Many of his supporters seem quite spoiled and delusional in their own right, just like the man who has become the object of their affections, the man that they believe has or will save this country, but who has instead predictably and relentlessly tried to sell the American people one scam after another, proclaiming great things, when in fact, there just is not much there. Hell, worse than progress, what he has done has made the country regress. But all he has to do, time and time again, is proclaim that he has done great and magnificent things, and his supporters believe him, despite the obvious lack of evidence. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it ("Mark my words," he insisted)? Nope. Pay off the national debt in eight years in office? It has not even been fully four years (although it feels like he has been there for nearly double that already), yet he has increased the national debt by well over $5 trillion, and seems to want to keep adding to that, as well. He dismantled the White House pandemic team, despite warnings that this could lead to disaster. And then he completely mishandled the coronavirus pandemic, consistently undermining it and offering quack solution, regardless of his lack of expertise in the medical field, when he would have been better off shutting his big mouth and letting actual experts speak. Being too busy in the White House to play golf? Another lie. Make the United States a great and respected nation again? He has done nothing but make much of the world despise and distrust us, and we have literally never been as much of a mockery, a butt of jokes, as we have become with Trump in the Oval Office. He claimed that he would be the president for all Americans, but he has polarized the country instead, actively advocating hate and intolerance. He has regularly embarrassed and disgraced himself and the entire country with his absurd, immature conduct and words. The country is far worse off than it was before, and I say that as someone who is critical of both Democratic and Republican administration that preceded his. Trump is worse, far worse, than any of those prior presidents have been. Quite literally, he qualifies as the worst president in American history.

Sure, his supporters seem to love all of this. They eat it all up, and ask for more. He proclaims greatness, and delivers little to nothing, time and time again. But his supporters have bought the act, and despite getting obviously scammed, time and time again, they stay loyal, because the one thing that he has been truly successful with not merely for these past three and a half years or so, but throughout his entire life, is getting away with bad behavior, and driving rational, thinking people with some standards crazy. Yes, his supporters take absolute glee not in the perception that he has actually done some truly wonderful things to "Make America Great Again," but merely to drive the "liberal elites" or the "libtards" mad. Frankly, that seems to be the only true measure of success that he has had. Apparently, it is enough for these people, who loudly and proudly proclaim themselves to be superpatriots, but who in reality are anything but.

Obviously, Trump relishes in the fact that so many people love him and believe in his act. He seems overjoyed when he is in their presence, being applauded. For a long time, I felt that he had nothing but contempt for them. In fact, in his strange way, I believe that he does love them, or at least loves being in their company. A man who always needs to be at the center of attention, and is addicted to the idea of being adored, just loves the attention that they continually give him. He has not made their lives better in any meaningful way. Quite the opposite, as his policies have hurt them, much like they have hurt the country that he officially leads. But yes, I suspect that he does enjoy having them in his corner, giving him the attention, the adoration, and yes, even the love that he craves so shamelessly.

Still, even this is not enough to assure that it will just continue. Trump's words of admission that he might not get another term is simply him coming to terms with the facts, which in it's own small way, is a bit of an achievement for this man. After all, he and his supporters are clearly not friendly with facts, with truth. But the truth of poll numbers that have consistently been tanking since the coronavirus pandemic really starting to grow into a huge fiasco for this country seem to finally have caught up with Trump. Even he cannot spin those numbers in his favor, even though manipulating those things that are unfavorable to him, and making them work in his favor, is the one talent that this man truly has always had a gift for. But yes, even that has it's limits. Yes, his poll numbers went down by nine percent in the past three or four months, because of his poor handling of the Covid-19 crisis, and because of his seeming indifference to the plight of tens of millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and their health insurance (while he and his administration continue to aggressively fight to revoke Obamacare even without some healthcare plan in it's place), and who then showed a stunning level of being tone deaf throughout the anti-brutality and Black Lives Matter protests, and the riots that were an offshoot of this. For someone as completely obsessed with his own popularity as Trump is, this has to be devastating.

Indeed, for the first time, he has expressed doubts that winning again in November is such a sure thing. He admits that Biden has a chance now, a real chance to defeat him and become the next president. And so, in typical fashion, he turns to personal attacks, nasty in their nature. That is all that Trump has ever known, all he seems capable of doing when his back is up against the wall. Here were some of his comments about Joe Biden in that same FOX News town hall:

“He doesn’t talk, nobody hears him. Whenever he does talk he can't put two sentences together,” Mr Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “I don’t want to be nice or unnice, okay?”  

"I mean, the man can't speak. And he's going to be your president because some people don't love me, maybe”, he continued. “All I’m doing is doing my job”.

I am no big fan of Joe Biden, admittedly. Frankly, I think that he is basically a 2020 version of Hillary Clinton. And if he winds up winning, it will not be so much because he and his campaign are doing or promising such great things, so much as he is not Donald Trump, as a growing number of Americans are recognizing that Trump has brought only harm to this country.

If there is one thing that Joe Biden is doing right, though, it is in using Trump's own words and actions against him. Of course, Trump has pretty much always made it easy for opponents to do that, which is part of the reason that he so easily convinces his base of support that they love to attack him, personally. He manipulates it into feeding their conspiracy theories about the "liberal elite" and the "Fake News" media out to get him, because he poses a serious threat to their world order, as opposed to him being justly accused of buffoonery and being a truly awful, ridiculous excuse for a president. Recently, Biden was able to put into perspective the absurdity of Trump proclaiming himself a victim and whining about how unfairly he is being treated in the midst of the enormous suffering from the pandemic and the  grim economic realities that this pandemic has forced on people. This is what Biden recently said, in response to Trump's criticism of him:

“[Trump’s] like a child who can’t believe this has happened to him — all his whining and self-pity,” said Mr Biden. “Well, this pandemic didn’t happen to him. It happened to all of us.”

Again, admittedly, I am not a fan of Joe Biden. But if he is going to win in November's election, than what he has to keep doing - perhaps all he has to keep doing, if Trump continues to screw things up so badly that even his spin and lies are not up to the task of getting him past it - is continue to attack Trump directly for his conduct and his pathetic excuse for leadership. Trump is a con artist, and nothing more. It is time that this country finally recognized their mistake in electing him in the first place, and then just moved on.

Trump says Biden's 'going to be your president because some people don't love me, maybe' US president told Sean Hannity: 'I don’t want to be nice or unnice, okay?'  Gino Spocchia, une 26, 2020:

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