Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Washington State Representative Calls for "Holy War" & Champions Exterminating Enemies

There has been a lot of discussion lately about extreme, far-right win violence in this country, often by people who are supporters of the Republican party under Donald Trump.

Well, there is a Republican Washington state representative, Matt Shea, who was recently discovered distributing documents that outlined what he apparently believes is a “Biblical Basis for War.” In this pamphlet, he condemns abortion and same-sex violence. 

But it goes quite a bit deeper than that. It actually outright champions a policy of exterminating opposition, and is actually a how-to guide explaining how to kill non-believers in what he apparently believes will be "holy war." He advocates for the establishment of a theocracy in America. 

Right away, Shea's document calls for an ultimatum to enemies in order to avoid this "holy war," which calls for them to surrender unconditionally to certain terms which he specifies. These include, in his words, to "stop all abortions," "no same-sex marriage," "no idolatry or occultism," "no communism," and that everyone "must obey Biblical law."

If the enemies refuse to give way in any of these demands, he suggests that then, all males of the opposition should be killed off.

In defending this document, She stated:

"The counter-state is working overtime, there are two main counter-states in America: Marxists and Islamists."

Personally, when you have an extreme religious fundamentalist essentially calling for the death of all non-believing infidels in some "holy war," You might be excused for not seeing much of a difference between such a narrow-minded, self-righteous prick like this, and the narrow-minded, self-righteous pricks of the Islamic faith that this guy clearly is paranoid of.

And once again, we have to ask ourselves just what in the hell is happening to and in this country?

A Washington state lawmaker is under FBI scrutiny for writing a how-to guide on killing non-believers in a 'holy war' and establishing a theocracy by Josh Kovensky, Nov. 2, 2018:


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