Monday, August 16, 2021

On Vacation Again!

Earlier today, I posted something about the Taliban taking over Kabul, Afghanistan's capital city. As I understand it, they now control over two-thirds of that country, and seem well on their way to effectively taking over the country entire.

Grim news.

However, on a much brighter and obviously more personal note, I wanted to mention that today was the first day of a slightly more than week long vacation.

Not sure what it is, but I seemed to feel more in need of some kind of a vacation this year than in other years of the past. There are a number of reasons for this. Partly, this is because I have worked a lot of shifts that I normally would not have been working, especially on the weekends. When this weekend finally ended, I felt utterly exhausted, but very, very pleased to finally be on vacation. Another reason, of course, is just that it felt more necessary than usual to take a break from work, even if it is only for slightly over one week.

My son and I will be departing soon enough, early on Wednesday morning, for our traditional trip. We have taken at least one major trip every since year dating back to 2012 (you could even argue that this tradition dates back to 2011, or even maybe 2010). But we have taken some really cool trips, and recently, I thought it might be a good idea to revisit some of the memories and pictures of those trips of the past. That will take some time, but for now, both of us are very excited about the upcoming trip.

Meanwhile, I had myself a very lazy day. After getting home after work this morning, my girlfriend and I spent some time together before she left for work. Then I slept, woke up, and spent almost two hours on the phone trying to confirm all sorts of things, including bookings and such. Having put it off for too long, a lot of it fell on today, which was a bit annoying. After all of this, my girlfriend and I went to the local Verizon store, where I switched my plan for something that will be (hopefully) a little bit better. Then, we went for some ice cream. We had no hot water, as it turned out, when we got back, so my girlfriend went to a friend's home to take her nightly shower. As for me, I passed out on the couch for a few hours, and woke up not too long ago. One of the problems with working overnights is that it is difficult to acclimate to a new schedule once the opportunity for it finally arises.

Still, I am excited to be off for about a week, and look forward to my first full, 24 hour day off tomorrow, and then the actual trip, which begins on Wednesday.

Hope this finds everyone reading well!

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