Monday, April 3, 2023

Supposed “Leaders” in Washington Ramping Up Drumbeats of War Against North American Neighbors

Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Donald Trump are featured in this edition of "A Closer Look" from Seth Myer's Late Night Show. Not surprisingly, they all say and do things to make fools of themselves. Trump evidently has drawn up battle plans to launch an invasion of Mexico should he become president again. Greene also talks about Mexico, but complains about how Canada is helping Mexico violate American sovereignty. No, that is not a joke. Her beef with Canada is that not requiring Mexican citizens to need a visa to visit that country. 

"It seems that Canada wants to participate in Mexico's invasion of the United States," says Greene.


That is the language of war, of a country that feels itself wronged by it's neighbors, and basically preparing for some kind of inevitable war. How stupid do you have to be to believe this?

Then there's Boebert, who made headlines earlier this week when she talked incessantly about....public urination. She was trying to grill a city official of Washington, DC, but apparently had not done her homework. She kept trying to pin the blame and get her checkmate point forced on this official, but he repeatedly corrected her on his stance. 

How embarrassing it must be to be made to look like a moron so damn frequently. 

How humiliating it is for this country to have such ridiculous, clown-like individuals serving in positions of power and leadership in Washington? Dark times, these are. If the consequences were not so serious and possibly tragic, it would almost feel like a comedy. 

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