Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Weak and Rambling President Declares a Fake National Emergency By John CassidyFebruary 15, 2019

Earlier this morning, I did something that I rarely do, and have tried to make a point of avoiding in recent years: I argued politics with a Trump supporter on Facebook.

I had responded to another friend's post about how the border crisis was a manufactured one created by Trump himself. This Trump supporter suggested that the crisis was real

He suggested that the crisis was real for the Angel family.

In response, I quotes Trump and made an argument that Trump undermined the credibility of his own claims that this is a national emergency:

 "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this." Donald Trump, during his speech declaring the "national emergency," and just before he left for yet another round of golf. What a joke. Believe what you want to believe. Some of us are a little more skeptical about this know con man than others.

He then suggested that the "mainstream media" was undermining everything that Trump did, that the border crisis was real, and that without borders, there is no country. I responded:

Not to beat on a long dead horse, but Trump declared a “State of Emergency” after failing to secure his desired funding for the wall he PROMISED Mexico would pay for, before going to play yet more golf, which he PROMISED he would not have time for once he was in the White House. Do you remember his promises? I sure do. Those were two of the more famous promises that he did not fulfill, but there are plenty of others. You can blame the mainstream media, which Trump calls “Fake News,” if you’d like. But he could not have undermined his own arguments for a national emergency better through his own words and through his own actions if he tried. Going off to play yet more golf literally after declaring a "national emergency?" Really?

He then basically offered a stalemate position, not really conceding that Trump truly is his own worst enemy and entirely untrustworthy, but agreeing in a laughing way that he understood what I was saying, and that he too was sick of presidents playing golf. If it were up to him, he would abolish presidents being able to play golf.

I entertained the notion of answering him back, and saying that this was not my main point, that I still did not understand how he could support a known con artist. But then I remember that it is a beautiful Saturday morning, and that there was plenty that I had to do, and even more that I wanted to do, and arguing politics over Facebook is hardly anyone's idea of a productive, much less fun, time. So, it seemed better to drop it, although I think it is urgent to be aware of what exactly is going on in this country right now, and the man behind the rather drastic action taken in declaring this state of emergency.

So, having posted a couple of things about the "national emergency" already this morning, it seemed like a good idea to keep going here on my blog page, regardless of how many, or how few, it reaches. We all have to do our part, and not merely get tangled up with silly and pointless arguments on Facebook that merely serve to further entrench the already deep political divides.

Meanwhile, here is an interesting take that I found on this whole "national emergency" thing.

A Weak and Rambling President Declares a Fake National Emergency  By John Cassidy, February 15, 2019:

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