Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Russian Television Lists American Military Sites That Will Be Targeted

Over the weekend, Russian state television aired a list of American military facilities that would be targeted in the event of a nuclear attack. During this report, it was suggested that a hypersonic missile Russia is currently developing would be able to hit these targets in less than five minutes. Among the more famous sites were the Pentagon and Camp David, the historical presidential retreat of American presidents for many decades now. 

Trump has made a point of saying that arms control treaties with Russia are outdated, and he pulled out of them. Putin stated that if American missiles are placed in Europe and aiming for Russia, then he would have to respond with missiles carried by submarines near American waters, and within striking distance of these targets.

A Pentagon spokesman, Eric Pahon, more or less dismisses these claims, stating that these kinds of threats actually tend to unite and strengthen the resolve of NATO members:

“Every time Putin issues these bombastic threats and touts his new doomsday devices, he should know he only deepens NATO’s resolve to work together to ensure our collective security.”

And we all believed that the Cold War truly was over, eh?

Here is the link to this depressing story, from which I got the quote used above:

After Putin's warning, Russian TV lists nuclear targets in U.S. by Andrew Osborn, February 26, 2019:

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