Saturday, February 9, 2019

Trump & His Trademark Corruption & Narcissism Strike Yet Again

Everyone knows that Trump is known for a lot of gimmicks and scams. Having a very long history of being a known con artist, that is what happens when you dig even a little into this man's past. I mean, who does not remember his numerous filed bankruptcies? Trump Casinos? Trump Steaks? Hell, Trump University?

So, is it really any wonder that this man has been trying to sell as many aspects of his own presidency - and the power that it represents - to the highest bidder?

This is a man with absolutely no scruples, a man who's so blatantly corrupt, and so clearly an elitist and a huge part of the problem, that it makes most people sick to even think about it.

Here we go again, with yet another news story revealing the depths of how low this man, and the people around him, are willing to go. We are constantly hearing about his campaign's collusion, and with numerous arrests already among members of his team, there clearly was much more to that story than Trump was willing to concede. Then, there are the new stories surfacing about his inauguration campaign, and once again, money gives access. Power is for sale, and access give you power. You have to buy your way into that, of course, which means a lot of money, in order to hold the President's ear for a moment. He is the President not for all Americans, but for the most powerful and privileged few, and his policies clearly reflect this reality. 

Of course, this has been the case for some time. But with Trump, it is simply accepted and taken for granted that it should be right out in the open, for all to see. What is stunning and, frankly, disappointing, is just how willing so many millions of people are with this example of blatant corruption and elitism, which this man represents more than any other single figure.

Now, here we go again with yet another of this man's now legendary gimmicks: give this man some money, and your name will appear during a nationally televised address. 

Absurd, the level of narcissism, and on both sides. To think that this man and/or the people he handpicked would feel that they could get away with this! Also, how horrifying to think that so many people could be duped, and could feel that, by giving their tiny little amounts to such a blatant, corrupt machine, they might see their own names scrolled during such a prominently televised national address.

Ridiculous and disgusting, and a clear indicator of just how wrong things are right now in America!

Trump campaign: Send us $1 and we'll scroll your name during State of the Union live stream Gregory Korte, David Jackson and Fredreka Schouten, USA TODAY Published 2:06 p.m. ET Jan. 30, 2018

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